hey.. pretty new to knoppix and i have to write a little script for my class. I am booting off the knoppix cd on my laptop.

Script project: To take pics from multiple floppy disks, and burn them to a cd.

I can picture the script in my head, but tell me if im on the right track.

I would need to first have the script ask user to insert floppy, then read it somehow, then save it in a temporary file.
Ask if user has another floppy, insert, read, save to temp. file. [repeat until user says No more floppies]
then take that temp file and burn it to cd
then delete the temp file as i wouldnt need it anymore

Question is, what command would i use to pull the files from the floppy?
And also.. im going to be using an external usb cd burner, will it work? and how would i point to the burner to burn the pics?

Thanks, if any more info is needed, just tell me.. im a noob
I'm not looking for the script written for me.. just some basic tools and commands i could use..