Hi to thegroover
Join the free and open software movement.
Don't buy software or games unless you absolutely have to.
Get KNOPPIX for free.
You will live longer and happier.
I do like your dietary advice.
Best Wishes
Has anyone else had similar issues with xplinux.biz?
I paid $60AUD for 2 dud cds, 1 cd I didn't order and didn't receive the cd I paid for plus they have not even acknowledged my emails regarding the matter!
What do I do now? Here's the transcript (i have removed order details):
From: "Michael Black" <linux@grooveronline.com>
To: <sales@xplinux.biz>
Sent: Friday, August 01, 2003 1:06 PM
Subject: ANSWER THIS EMAIL!: XPLinux Order 24251-7806147
Read the history below.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Black" <linux@grooveronline.com>
To: <sales@xplinux.biz>
Sent: Thursday, July 31, 2003 4:28 AM
Subject: Re: WRONG CONTENTS!: XPLinux Order xxxxxx
> Hey!
> Please mate, at least reply letting me know that you are aware of the
> situation. It has been 2 working days which is ample time for answering
> emails.
> I would like this rectified asap please.
> Regards,
> Michael.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Black" <linux@grooveronline.com>
> To: <sales@xplinux.biz>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:50 PM
> Subject: Bad Media: XPLinux Order xxxxxxxx
> > Hi,
> >
> > I received a dud version of Peanut Linux and Phat Linux. I am testing
> > others now but both do 'data checks' where they verify the files on the
> > and both state that there are errors.
> >
> > I chose you to purchase my cds as you had the best range and decent
> product
> > descriptions... I expected all merchants to only sell what worked but so
> far
> > I have 2 duds and 1 wrong cd (you sent me Americas Army when I asked for
> > Unreal Tournament).
> >
> > Please, I would really like for this to be sorted out asap.
> >
> > Regards,
> > Michael Black.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Michael Black" <linux@grooveronline.com>
> To: <sales@xplinux.biz>
> Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 12:11 PM
> Subject: WRONG CONTENTS!: XPLinux Order xxxxxxxx
> >
> > I ordered a Gentoo Game CD with UNREAL TOURNAMENT on it... I received
> > "Americas Army" which I never wanted nor ordered.
> >
> > Please rectify this immediately, I would really like to have the CD I
> > for.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Michael Black.
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: <sales@xplinux.biz>
> > To: <linux@grooveronline.com>
> > Cc: <sales@xplinux.biz>
> > Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 1:39 AM
> > Subject: XPLinux Order xxxxxxxx Shipped to Michael Black
> >
> >
> > > Hello Michael Black,
> > >
> > > We wanted to inform you that the following order was shipped.
> > >
> > > Order Number: xxxxxxx
> > > Total Order: $42.93
> > >
> > > Thank you for your order.
> > >
> > > XPLinux
> > > www.xplinux.biz
Hi to thegroover
Join the free and open software movement.
Don't buy software or games unless you absolutely have to.
Get KNOPPIX for free.
You will live longer and happier.
I do like your dietary advice.
Best Wishes
I am sure that if you had the possibility to download the software and burn CDs you would have done it, right? So if you can't I can reccommend http://linuxcdrs.com/ to get your soft. The guys running it is honest and fast, his CDs cost 99 cents a piece, but I don't know if he will ship overseas. Send him an email and ask!
BTW - he offers the latest version of Knoppix and Knoppix-STD and if you want something not currently on offer on his (rather modest looking website) he will get it for you!
Good luck,
Thanks mate.
Yes, I have a modem connection which makes downloading 650mb+ distros terribly painful.
I guess I've learnt from this, ask before you buy. What I shame I wasted $60AUD when I could've bought it from somewhere else. I almost bought from tuxcds.com but they didn't have the titles I wanted.
I suppose there is nothing I can do other than warn the linux community that xplinux.biz is a bad place to shop.
I used to think Linux was made entirely by freelancers and gurus alike where sharing information was promoted and good will and courtesy was included with the distro. I guess that is so until money is involved.![]()
Ahh well, I hope noone else gets stung like this. Spread the word, XPLINUX.BIZ IS NOT A GOOD PLACE TO SHOP!
Well, things worked out. If in doubt... whois.com can help. If anyone has any issues, just email gunme@hotmail.com or support@xplinux.biz (seems to work a bit better).
I'm a moderator over at http://www.justlinux.com . The guy that runs xplinux.biz tried to spam our forums about 30 times over the course of 3 hours. We ended up having to ban his IP address because he tried to make a new user id and start spamming our forum again.
I don't know about you guys, but I wouldn't do business with someone shifty enough to spam anyways.
thats pretty cheeky. he is very lucky that he hasn't received any flak back. I mean really, the linux community is thriving with educated computer users quite capable of returning the misfortune.
I paid for the Knoppix DVD and Gnoppix CD and after a long delay, I received the Knoppix CD (not DVD) and the Gnoppix CD was an old version which was unreadable with bad sectors (the surface was scuffed). The criminal that runs that site ignored ALL my e-mails begging him to correct the problem. I am going to report this fraudulent company to my credit fraud department. What a bitter experience that was. I really wish they would delist xplinux as a Knoppix distributor.
You really need to pass this information along to Knopper.net, a compeltely different site owned and run by completely different people. Your post here may warn some people, but there was already a post here and it didn't serve to warn you.Originally Posted by user127
Verifying of md5 checksum and burning a CD at slow speed are important.
On the spam mention above ....
Curiously, quite a lot of the junk i get have addresses that end in ".biz"
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