
I've written some script, that allows you to install the nvidia-graphics drivers while running from CD.

It'll download all necessary files, will then compile the kernel module, will create an linked /usr-structure (that can take some time), patch your XF86Config, restart X.

So close all important applications, before starting the script!

And while its restarting X, it creates an knoppix.sh and nvidia.tbz (in /home/knoppix/dist/nvidia), which you can copy to the root of some partition (start with knoppix myconf=scan or knoppix myconf=/mnt/partition) or /cdrom/KNOPPIX and which will automatically set up the nvidia-drivers before starting X.

You can download the script here to compile it for yourself:


You can download knoppix.sh and nvidia.tbz for kernel 2.4.20 (Knoppix 06-06 and earlier) also here:


This is done under the linux-exception of the nvidia-license, that the binaries can be redistributed as long as they are not changed.

Enjoy and test!



PS: This work is based on the ideas from Kano's scripts.
PPS: I have no nvidia-card, so I'm just following isntructions how it _could_ work. But I'm sure it will