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Thread: windows 2000 Pro & qtpated

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2003

    windows 2000 Pro & qtpated

    I have a friend who is getting very frustrated with his windows 2000 pro install, and is seriously considering install knoppix.

    My question(s) concern qtparted, and the stability to resize an NTFS partition.

    He has alot of windos data (text/pics/etc) from the past that he doesnt' want to lose, and I want to make sure that it's pretty idiot proof, so I don't lose any of his data.

    Are there any special considerations, gotchas, etc I should be aware of, before I attempt to repartition his drive, and bring him into the Linux/debian/knoppix world?


  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2003
    Nova Scotia, Canada

    Re: windows 2000 Pro & qtpated

    Quote Originally Posted by mailman42
    My question(s) concern qtparted, and the stability to resize an NTFS partition.
    While I have never done the procedure I have seen posts of success re-sizing one that sticks out in my memory is this one by Eadz.

    He has alot of windos data (text/pics/etc) from the past that he doesnt' want to lose, and I want to make sure that it's pretty idiot proof, so I don't lose any of his data.
    All data should be backed up and the backup verified before attempting a procedure like this there are no idiot proof methods for anything there is always something that can go wrong.

    Are there any special considerations, gotchas, etc I should be aware of, before I attempt to repartition his drive, and bring him into the Linux/debian/knoppix world?

    As mentioned by Eadz in his post the drive should be defragged before the attempt.

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002

    Re: windows 2000 Pro & qtpated

    Quote Originally Posted by mailman42
    Are there any special considerations, gotchas, etc I should be aware of, before I attempt to repartition his drive, and bring him into the Linux/debian/knoppix world?

    One very important sugestion here. I tried using Qtparted to install Knoppix on a friend's computer, but Qtparted failed because the drive was too fragmented. Have your friend defragment the drive before you come over. Sometimes this takes quite a while in Windows, so I recommend your friend start defraging a while before you come over.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2003


    aay & Stephen,

    Thank you. I really do appreciate the report, and the pointer. I have them emailed to my friend, and printed out for the next few weeks.

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