I've been running a HDD install of Knoppix for a few months now, and it's been great. However, I just added a wireless NIC, and things got odd fast.

Basically, I've been running a 3Com 905TX NIC the whole time I've had Knoppix with zero problems. When I stuck the wireless card -- a D-Link DWL-520 -- in, it was recognized, but the 3Com disappeared from my hardware list (dmesg only has the D-Link). I know this isn't right, because I didn't touch the old 3Com card, and it was always recongized before.

After searching this forum, I found a reference that multiple NICs don't work, for some odd reason, under the default Knoppix config. Further searching and a thorough Googling turned up nothing on this subject, however.

Does anyone know anything about this? I'd really like to enable both cards, as the Knoppix box will be acting as a gateway for a wireless-enabled laptop.

Alex Kirk