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Thread: Running multiple Knoppix versions from 1 CD?

  1. #1

    Running multiple Knoppix versions from 1 CD?

    Hi folks,
    I'm trying to run both Knoppix and Pilot/Linux from one CD, but I'm having no sucess. Here's my scenario: In the root directory of my bootable CD, I have both Knoppix folders (directories) I called Knoppix, the other called Morphix. I found a similar discussion and post(s) ( ) that seem to indicate that to run multiples versions of Knoppix, you simply need to modify the linuxrc file from:

    insmod /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX


    insmod /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/$CLOOP_FILE (or I'm assuming in my case- /MORPHIX/KNOPPIX)

    I'm having two problems: 1.) My linuxrc file doesn't have a "insmod /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX" entry, it only has a "insmod -f /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/base/morphix" entry and 2.) When I try to run Pilot/Linux, it starts O.K...but then seems to mount the OTHER Knoppix filesystem instead of the one I really want!



  2. #2
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I slightly modified linuxrc to enable the user to select where the big 700 M knoppix file stays at boot time .

    for instance :
    boot: knoppix lang=fr 2 knoppixdir=3 noapm ...

    will make knoppix search the knoppix file in /dev/hd|sd|??/knoppix3/knoppix
    in state of

    Y'll have to put the big knoppix file in KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX and your morphix file in KNOPPIX1/KNOPPIX
    (The name of the file has to be KNOPPIX wherever it stays)

    Will that solve your problem ?
    I can send you the linuxrc file if necessary ....

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    I slightly modified linuxrc to enable the user to select where the big 700 M knoppix file stays at boot time .

    for instance :
    boot: knoppix lang=fr 2 knoppixdir=3 noapm ...

    will make knoppix search the knoppix file in /dev/hd|sd|??/knoppix3/knoppix
    in state of

    Y'll have to put the big knoppix file in KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX and your morphix file in KNOPPIX1/KNOPPIX
    (The name of the file has to be KNOPPIX wherever it stays)

    Will that solve your problem ?
    I can send you the linuxrc file if necessary ....

  4. #4

    Running multiple Knoppix versions from 1 CD?

    Hi jch,
    If you could send me a copy of your linuxrc file, that would be helpful. Also, if you could tell me which line(s) you had to modify to make it work? (What did they look like before you modified them, and what do they look like now) As I mentioned, I found it odd that the post(s) that I referred to mentioned an entry like:

    "insmod /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX"

    and the default linuxrc file doesn't have an entry like this at all that I see.

    Thank you for your help!


  5. #5
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Here is my modified linuxrc file.
    Before burning a cd you should try to make a floppy, then copy the 700M knoppix file on your hard disk in \KNOPPIX1\KNOPPIX then booting from the floppy disk, try at boot time:
    1) boot: knoppix 2 knoppix should boot from cdrom
    2) boot: knoppix 2 knoppixdir=1 knoppix should boot from harddisk
    3) Put morphix file in \KNOPPIX2\KNOPPIX and try knoppix 2 knoppixdir=2 , Morphix should boot ....

    good luck


    # KNOPPIX General Startup Script
    # (C) Klaus Knopper <>
    # This script needs some of the builtin ash commands (if, test, ...)
    # mount/umount, insmod/rmmod are also a builtin in ash-knoppix.

    # hardcoded configurable options
    # Default maximum size of dynamic ramdisk in kilobytes
    # End of options

    # Don't allow interrupt signals
    trap "" 1 2 3 15

    # "Safe" SCSI modules in the right order for autoprobe
    # Warning: The sym53c8xx.o and g_NCR* cause a kernel Oops if no such adapter
    # is present.
    # NB: It looks like that ncr53c8xx.o is more stable than 53c7,8xx.o for
    # a ncr53c810 controller (at least on my installation box it's more
    # immune to SCSI timeouts)
    # Removed 53c7,8xx -> crashes if no device attached.
    # Removed AM53C974 -> crashes tmscsim if adapter found
    # Added initio.o on request (untested)
    SCSI_MODULES="aic7xxx.o aic7xxx_old.o BusLogic.o \
    ncr53c8xx.o NCR53c406a.o \
    initio.o \
    advansys.o aha1740.o aha1542.o aha152x.o \
    atp870u.o dtc.o eata.o fdomain.o gdth.o \
    megaraid.o pas16.o pci2220i.o pci2000.o psi240i.o \
    qlogicfas.o qlogicfc.o qlogicisp.o \
    seagate.o t128.o tmscsim.o u14-34f.o ultrastor.o wd7000.o \
    a100u2w.o 3w-xxxx.o"

    # Misc functions

    # Usage: mountit src dst "options"
    # Uses builtin mount of ash.knoppix
    # Builin filesystems
    BUILTIN_FS="iso9660 ext2 vfat"
    for fs in $BUILTIN_FS; do
    test -b $1 && mount -t $fs $3 $1 $2 >/dev/null 2>&1 && return 0
    return 1


    # Clean input/output
    exec >/dev/console </dev/console 2>&1

    # Reset fb color mode
    # Erase to end of line
    # Clear and reset Screen
    # Normal color
    # RED: Failure or error message
    # GREEN: Success message
    # YELLOW: Descriptions
    # BLUE: System mesages
    # MAGENTA: Found devices or drivers
    # CYAN: Questions
    # BOLD WHITE: Hint

    # Clear screen with colormode reset
    # echo "$CLEAR$RESET"
    # echo "$CLEAR"
    # Just go to the top of the screen
    # echo -n ""
    echo ""
    # Be verbose
    echo "${WHITE}Welcome to the ${CYAN}K${MAGENTA}N${YELLOW}O${WHITE}P${RED}P${GRE EN}I${BLUE}X${WHITE} live Linux-on-CD!${NORMAL}"
    echo ""
    echo ""

    # We only need the builtin commands and /static at this point
    export PATH

    umask 022

    # Mount /proc and /dev/pts
    mount -t proc none /proc
    mount -t devpts none /dev/pts

    # Read boot command line with builtin cat command (shell read function fails in Kernel 2.4.19-rc1)
    CMDLINE="$(cat /proc/cmdline)"

    # Check if we are in interactive startup mode
    case "$CMDLINE" in *BOOT_IMAGE=expert\ *) INTERACTIVE="yes"; :>/interactive; ;; esac
    # Does the user want to skip scsi detection?
    case "$CMDLINE" in *noscsi*) NOSCSI="yes"; ;; esac
    NUM="1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 "
    for i in $NUM
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Looking for KNOPPIX in: ${MAGENTA}KNOPPIX$i${NORMAL} "
    case "$CMDLINE" in *knoppixdir=$i*) KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINEFOUND=KNOPPIX"$i"; break ;; esac
    # Disable kernel messages while probing modules in autodetect mode
    echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk

    # Mount module disk
    TYPE="$1"; shift
    echo -n "${CRE}${CYAN}Please insert ${TYPE} modules disk and hit Return. ${NORMAL}"
    read a
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Mounting ${TYPE} modules disk... ${NORMAL}"
    # We always mount over /modules/scsi (because it's there
    if mountit /dev/fd0 /modules/scsi "-o ro"; then
    echo "${GREEN}OK.${NORMAL}"
    return 0
    echo "${RED}NOT FOUND.${NORMAL}"
    return 1

    # Unmount module disk
    TYPE="$1"; shift
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Unmounting ${TYPE} modules disk... ${NORMAL}"
    umount /modules/scsi 2>/dev/null
    echo "${GREEN}DONE.${NORMAL}"

    # Ask user for modules
    TYPE="$1"; shift
    echo "${BLUE}${TYPE} modules available:${WHITE}"
    c=""; for m in "$@"; do
    if test -f "/modules/scsi/$m"; then
    test -z "$c" && { echo -n " $m"; c="1"; } || { echo " $m"; c=""; }
    [ -n "$c" ] && echo ""
    echo "${CYAN}Load ${TYPE} Modules?${NORMAL}"
    echo "${CYAN}[Enter full filename(s) (space-separated), Return for autoprobe, ${WHITE}n${CYAN} for none] ${NORMAL}"
    echo -n "${CYAN}insmod module(s)> ${NORMAL}"
    read MODULES
    case "$MODULES" in n|N) MODULES=""; ;; y|"") MODULES="$*"; ;; esac

    # Try to load the given modules (full path or current directory)
    TYPE="$1"; shift
    test -n "$INTERACTIVE" && echo "6" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
    for i in "$@"; do
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Probing ${TYPE}... ${MAGENTA}$i${NORMAL}"
    if test -f /modules/scsi/$i && insmod -f /modules/scsi/$i >/dev/null 2>&1
    echo "${CRE} ${GREEN}Found ${TYPE} device(s) handled by ${MAGENTA}$i${GREEN}.${NORMAL}"
    case "$TYPE" in scsi|SCSI) FOUND_SCSI="yes"; ;; esac
    test -n "$INTERACTIVE" && echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
    echo -n "${CRE}"

    # Check for SCSI, use modules on bootfloppy first
    if test -n "$INTERACTIVE"; then
    # Let the user select interactively
    askmodules SCSI $(cd /modules/scsi; echo *.o)
    # these are the autoprobe-safe modules
    test -z "$NOSCSI" && test -n "$MODULES" && loadmodules SCSI $MODULES
    # End of SCSI check

    # Check for misc modules in expert mode
    if test -n "$INTERACTIVE"; then
    another=""; answer=""
    while test "$answer" != "n" -a "$answer" != "N"; do
    echo -n "${CYAN}Do you want to load additional modules from$another floppy disk? [${WHITE}Y${CYAN}/n] ${NORMAL}"
    another=" another"
    read answer
    case "$answer" in n*|N*) break; ;; esac
    if mountmodules new; then
    askmodules new $(cd /modules/scsi; echo *.o)
    test -n "$MODULES" && loadmodules new $MODULES
    umountmodules current
    # All interactively requested modules should be loaded now.

    # Check for ide-scsi supported CD-Roms et al.
    test -f /proc/scsi/scsi && FOUND_SCSI="yes"

    # Disable kernel messages again
    echo "0" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk

    # Now that the right SCSI driver is (hopefully) loaded, try to find CDROM
    test -n "$FOUND_SCSI" && DEVICES="/dev/scd? /dev/scd?? $DEVICES"
    # New: Also try parallel port CD-Roms [for Mike].
    DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/pcd?"
    # New: also check HD partitions for a KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX image
    test -n "$FOUND_SCSI" && DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/sd?[1-9] /dev/sd?[1-9][0-9]"
    DEVICES="$DEVICES /dev/hd?[1-9] /dev/hd?[1-9][0-9]"
    for i in $DEVICES
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Looking for CDROM in: ${MAGENTA}$i${NORMAL} "
    if mountit $i /cdrom "-o ro" >/dev/null 2>&1
    if test -d /cdrom/$KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINE
    echo -n "${CRE} ${GREEN}Accessing KNOPPIX CDROM at ${MAGENTA}$i${GREEN}...${NORMAL}"
    umount /cdrom

    # Harddisk-installed script part version has been removed
    # (KNOPPIX can be booted directly from HD now).

    if test -n "$FOUND_KNOPPIX" -a -f /cdrom/$KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINE/KNOPPIX; then
    # DEBUG
    # echo "6" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
    insmod -f /modules/cloop.o file=/cdrom/$KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINE/KNOPPIX
    mountit /dev/cloop /KNOPPIX "-o ro" || FOUND_KNOPPIX=""

    # Final test if everything succeeded.
    if test -n "$FOUND_KNOPPIX"
    # copy library cache
    cat /KNOPPIX/etc/ > /etc/
    echo ""

    # Enable kernel messages
    echo "6" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk

    # Set paths
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Setting paths...${NORMAL}"
    export PATH

    # Debian weirdness
    /bin/cp -a /KNOPPIX/etc/alternatives /etc/ 2>/dev/null

    # From here, we should have all essential commands available.
    hash -r

    # Clean up /
    rm -rf /modules /static

    # New in Kernel 2.4.x: tempfs with variable ramdisk size.
    # We check for available memory anyways and limit the ramdisks
    # to a reasonable size.
    FOUNDMEM="$(awk '/MemTotal/{print $2}' /proc/meminfo)"
    TOTALMEM="$(awk 'BEGIN{m=0};/MemFree|Cached/{m+=$2};END{print m}' /proc/meminfo)"

    # Be verbose
    echo "${CRE}${BLUE}Total memory found: ${YELLOW}${FOUNDMEM}${BLUE} kB${NORMAL}"

    # Now we need to use a little intuition for finding a ramdisk size
    # that keeps us from running out of space, but still doesn't crash the
    # machine due to lack of Ram

    # Minimum size of additional ram partitions
    # At least this much memory minus 30% should remain when home and var are full.
    # Maximum ramdisk size
    # Default ramdisk size for ramdisk
    RAMSIZE="$(expr $TOTALMEM / 5)"

    # Check for sufficient memory to mount extra ramdisk for /home + /var
    if test -n "$TOTALMEM" -a "$TOTALMEM" -gt "$MINLEFT"; then
    test -z "$RAMSIZE" && RAMSIZE=1000000
    mkdir -p /ramdisk
    # tmpfs/varsize version, can use swap
    RAMSIZE=$(expr $RAMSIZE \* 4)
    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Creating ${YELLOW}/ramdisk${BLUE} (dynamic size=${RAMSIZE}k) on ${MAGENTA}shared memory${BLUE}...${NORMAL}"
    # We need /bin/mount here for the -o size= option
    /bin/mount -t tmpfs -o "size=${RAMSIZE}k" ramdisk /ramdisk && mkdir -p /ramdisk/home /ramdisk/var && ln -s /ramdisk/home /ramdisk/var /
    echo "${BLUE}Done.${NORMAL}"
    mkdir -p /home /var

    echo -n "${CRE}${BLUE}Creating directories and symlinks on ramdisk...${NORMAL}"
    # Create common WRITABLE (empty) dirs
    mkdir -p /var/run /var/backups /var/cache/apache /var/local /var/lock/news \
    /var/nis /var/preserve /var/state/misc /var/tmp /var/lib \
    /var/spool/cups/tmp \
    /mnt/cdrom /mnt/floppy /mnt/hd /mnt/test \
    /home/knoppix /root /etc/sysconfig /etc/X11 /etc/cups
    chown knoppix.knoppix /home/knoppix
    # Create empty utmp and wtmp
    :> /var/run/utmp
    :> /var/run/wtmp
    # CUPS wants writable files. :-/
    cp -a /KNOPPIX/etc/cups/*.conf /etc/cups/ 2>/dev/null
    # All files in here should be size zero after Knoppix.clean was run
    cp -a /KNOPPIX/var/local /KNOPPIX/var/games /KNOPPIX/var/log \
    /KNOPPIX/var/spool /var/ 2>/dev/null
    cp -a /KNOPPIX/var/lib/games /KNOPPIX/var/lib/wine \
    /KNOPPIX/var/lib/nfs /KNOPPIX/var/lib/xkb /KNOPPIX/var/lib/isdn \
    /KNOPPIX/var/lib/kdm /KNOPPIX/var/lib/pcmcia \
    /KNOPPIX/var/lib/dhcp* \
    /var/lib/ 2>/dev/null
    # Problematic directories in /var/lib (lots and lots of inodes)
    ln -s /KNOPPIX/var/lib/dpkg /KNOPPIX/var/lib/apt /KNOPPIX/var/lib/doc-base \
    /KNOPPIX/var/lib/gnome /KNOPPIX/var/lib/kde \
    /KNOPPIX/var/lib/scrollkeeper /KNOPPIX/var/lib/texmf \
    /var/lib/ 2>/dev/null
    # Debian-apt
    ln -s /KNOPPIX/var/cache/apt /var/cache/ 2>/dev/null
    ln -s /KNOPPIX/etc/skel /KNOPPIX/etc/nessus /etc/dhcpc/resolv.conf \
    /etc/ 2>/dev/null
    ln -s /KNOPPIX/dev/* /dev/ 2>/dev/null
    # Index files can be HUGE, so better replace cache/man tree by links later
    # cp -a /KNOPPIX/var/cache/man /var/cache/ 2>/dev/null
    # Create links from CDROM for UNWRITABLE (remaining) files
    cp -aus /KNOPPIX/var/* /var/ 2>/dev/null
    cp -aus /KNOPPIX/etc/* /etc/ 2>/dev/null
    # Make SURE that these are files, not links!
    rm -rf /etc/ftpusers /etc/passwd /etc/shadow /etc/group \
    /etc/ppp /etc/isdn /etc/ssh /etc/ \
    /etc/inittab /etc/network /etc/sudoers \
    /etc/init /etc/localtime /etc/dhcpc /etc/pnm2ppa.conf 2>/dev/null
    cp -a /KNOPPIX/etc/ftpusers /KNOPPIX/etc/passwd /KNOPPIX/etc/shadow /KNOPPIX/etc/group \
    /KNOPPIX/etc/ppp /KNOPPIX/etc/isdn /KNOPPIX/etc/ssh \
    /KNOPPIX/etc/inittab /KNOPPIX/etc/network /KNOPPIX/etc/sudoers \
    /KNOPPIX/sbin/init /KNOPPIX/etc/dhcpc /etc/ 2>/dev/null
    # Extremely important, init crashes on shutdown if this is only a link
    :> /etc/
    :> /etc/pnm2ppa.conf
    # Must exist for samba to work
    [ -d /var/lib/samba ] && :> /var/lib/samba/unexpected.tdb
    # Diet libc bug workaround
    cp -f /KNOPPIX/etc/localtime /etc/localtime
    echo "${BLUE}Done.${NORMAL}"

    # Now tell kernel where the real modprobe lives
    echo "/sbin/modprobe" > /proc/sys/kernel/modprobe

    # Change root device from /dev/fd0 to /dev/ram0
    echo "0x100" > /proc/sys/kernel/real-root-dev

    # Give control to the init process.
    echo "${CRE}${BLUE}Starting init process.${NORMAL}"
    rm -f /linuxrc
    exit 0

    echo "${CRE}${RED}Can't find KNOPPIX filesystem, sorry.${NORMAL}"
    echo "${RED}Dropping you to a (very limited) shell.${NORMAL}"
    echo "${RED}Press reset button to quit.${NORMAL}"
    echo ""
    echo "Additional builtin commands avaliable:"
    echo " cat mount umount"
    echo " insmod rmmod lsmod"
    echo ""
    PS1="knoppix# "
    export PS1
    echo "6" > /proc/sys/kernel/printk
    # Allow signals
    trap 1 2 3 15
    exec /static/ash

  6. #6

    Running multiple Knoppix versions from 1 CD?

    Hi jch,
    I don't quite understand your instructions - Are you saying...

    Step 1- When I boot from the floppy, at the "boot" prompt type- knoppix 2
    (and Knoppix should boot from the CD)

    Step 2- When I boot from the floppy, at the "boot" prompt type- knoppix 2 knoppixdir=1, and Knoppix should boot from the harddisk...What does the "knoppixdir=1" command mean??? The knoppix 2 is a knoppix "cheatcode" for Runlevel 2, isn't it???

    Step 3- I don't understand this instruction at all, "Put morphix file in \KNOPPIX2\KNOPPIX and try knoppix 2 knoppixdir=2. I think if I knew the knoppix syntax you're referring to, it would dawn on me.

    You mentioned in your earlier post to modify the linuxrc file like:

    "boot: knoppix lang=fr 2 knoppixdir=3 noapm ...

    will make knoppix search the knoppix file in /dev/hd|sd|??/knoppix3/knoppix "

    I've looked at your linuxrc file, but I don't see where the knoppixdir= entry is at all. Do you mean the "KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINE=" entry??? Can you tell me where these entries are that you're referring to in your linuxrc file that you modified???

    Thank you for your help!

  7. #7
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Well, i'm not sure I have been clear.

    Knoppix can run from a bootable cdrom but it can also run from a harddisk..
    It only needs that the big 700M file /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX in the cdrom to be copied on the hard disk in /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX.

    The reason why I wrote this modified linuxrc was that I wanted to be able to start a knoppix version selected among several ones stored on a harddisk.

    For instance I have knoppix2003-07-26 , knoppix2003-07-25, and kurumin on my hd , I can easily switch from one to the other just typing
    boot: knoppix lang=fr knoppixdir=xxx, where xxx=1 or 2 ... assuming knoppix2003-07-26 is in /KNOPPIX1/KNOPPIX, knoppix2003-07-25 in KNOPPIX2/KNOPPIX, kurumin in /KNOPPIX3/KNOPPIX ....
    I thought you had a similar problem but wanted to do the same from the cdrom instead of hd , if yes you can go on reading...

    First of all the "2" at boot prompt boot: knoppix 2 ..... is here to make knoppix start faster since we only want to check that everything is ok, at this stage of test we don't need X .

    Step 1)
    You want to test that knoppix can run ( run not start ) from the hard disk ? it's easy ( but a ntfs file system will not work, ext2 and fat32 are ok)
    a) copy KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX from the cdrom to the hard disk
    b) let the cdrom in, ( we will boot from the cd but run from the hd )
    at boot prompt , type boot: expert 2 lang=us ....
    note ! "expert" instead of "knoppix" this will make knoppix ask you questions thus allowing you to remove ( yes remove ) the cdrom.
    When knoppix asks you about modules , remove the cdrom , answer no to any further questions and finally knoppix will boot from your hard disk...

    Step 2)
    a) make a floppy including my linuxrc, check that it works ( remove the cdrom and boot from the floppy ) knoppix should find the KNOPPIX file on hd and run from it
    b) rename the dir on the hd to KNOPPIX1/KNOPPIX , reboot from the floppyand at boot prompt type boot: knoppix knoppixdir=1 ; knoppix should still run from hd , finding the knoppix file in /KNOPPIX1
    c) now copy another version of knoppix or kurumin or morphix in KNOPPIX2/KNOPPIX KNOPPIX3/KNOPPIX ; you should be able to select which one to run just typing boot: knoppix knoppixdir=1 ( or 2 , 3 up to 9 )...

    Step 3)
    burn a cdrom with those KNOPPIX1 KNOPPIX2 ... directories and this linuxrc , you should be done.Or I entirely mistake on what you wanted...


  8. #8

    Running multiple Knoppix versions from 1 CD?

    Hi jch,
    Let me see if I can clarify myself, also. Yes, I want to run multiple versions of Knoppix (or Morphix, etc.) from the CD, not a HD. Basically, what I am trying to do is figure out which file I need to modify to have my CD do automatically, what you do manually. In other words, when your Knoppix boots, you type: knoppix knoppixdir=xxx or whatever. What I'm trying to do if figure out which file (I think it's the linuxrc, isn't it?) I need to modify so that the correct version of Knoppix boots, without my needing to type: knoppix knoppixdir=1 or 2 or...whatever. Here's my current CD setup: The bootable CD that I'm running Knoppix from has a menu I have created which has an entry for Knoppix and in my case Pilot Linux (a Morphix version). Again, I want to modify the file(s) in Knoppix and Pilot Linux so when I boot the CD, I simply pick one of these two from the menu...and the correct one will boot. Again, to recap-do you know which file(s) I need to modify (is it just the linuxrc ?), and what entries in the file need to be changed? Thank you for your help!

    Best Regards,

  9. #9
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jul 2003

    A few monthes ago, I build a multi boot cd using tools I found at

    When this cd boot, a menu lets me select a system among those ones:

    t) tom's reboot
    d) dos with cdrom support
    n) Dos with network support
    k) kurumin
    l) linuxcare

    A daily use this cd as a rescue disk .

    The problem you'll have is that Pilot and knoppix probably use the same /KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX architecture . 2 ways to solve that pb
    1) use my linuxrc file and replace KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINE=KNOPPIX by KNOPPIXDIRCMDLINE=PILOT then create the boot.img and put the KNOPPIX file of Pilot linux in /PILOT/KNOPPIX
    do the same for KNOPPIX ( no change needed for the original linuxrc nor KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX)

    2) use my linuxrc file, create only one boot.img used by Pilot and Knoppix , but you'll have to find out a way to pass the cheatcode knoppixdir=1 at boot time when selecting Pilot which will in this case be in /KNOPPIX1/KNOPPIX. ( I do something similar from within w98 to launch knoppix)

    Is this what you're looking for ?


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Cisco SG300-52-Port Gigabit Managed Rack Mountable Network Switch picture

Cisco SG300-52-Port Gigabit Managed Rack Mountable Network Switch


ARUBA J9772A 2530-48G PoE+ 48 PORT ETHERNET SWITCH W/ RACK EARS J9772-60301 picture



Fortinet FortiSwitch FS-124D-POE 24 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch UNREGISTERED picture

Fortinet FortiSwitch FS-124D-POE 24 Port Gigabit Ethernet Switch UNREGISTERED


HPE ARUBA 2530-24G J9773A PoE+ 24-PORT GIGABIT ETHERNET SWITCH J9773-60201 picture



NETGEAR GS108 ProSafe 8-Port GbE Unmanaged Switch w/ Power Adapter picture

NETGEAR GS108 ProSafe 8-Port GbE Unmanaged Switch w/ Power Adapter


NETGEAR GS305300PAS 5 Port Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged Switch picture

NETGEAR GS305300PAS 5 Port Gigabit Ethernet Unmanaged Switch


TP-Link TL-SG108 8-Port 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Desktop Switch FREE SH picture

TP-Link TL-SG108 8-Port 10/100/1000 Mbps Gigabit Ethernet Desktop Switch FREE SH


Brocade ICX 6430-24 Ethernet Switch 10/100/1000 picture

Brocade ICX 6430-24 Ethernet Switch 10/100/1000


Loocam Gigabit PoE Switch 8 Port 96W 2 Uplink Port Unmanaged Ethernet Switch picture

Loocam Gigabit PoE Switch 8 Port 96W 2 Uplink Port Unmanaged Ethernet Switch


Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-S 48 Port PoE Gigabit Switch w/ C3KX-NM-10G & Dual 1100WAC picture

Cisco WS-C3750X-48PF-S 48 Port PoE Gigabit Switch w/ C3KX-NM-10G & Dual 1100WAC
