OK...I like knoppix and I get it installed and then I use it for awhile and I change some settings such as my wan... then I will be doing some otherstuff such as setting up the nework and so on... but I try to use wine on some programs and the system locks up.. Then I have to reboot my machine and when it is loading it goes through and sais that there are errors on the hard drive and it fixes them and most of the time it gets done and when it tries to load KDE it sais that the $DISPLAY isn't set..???? I looked around for information but I couldn't find anything about how to set it up... and then it just puts me at a shell prompt and I don't have any idea what to do from there I try (startkde) but that doesn't work and I try (startx) and a few other things..... it also tells me that I have to remount the hard drive and reboots.. but I don't know what to do.. I am confused... PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!! if you think that you can help look me up on MSN - johncarlson21@hotmail.com- or ICQ - 212554643- or just reply to the post...