Appears not to.
rsyslog writes some files in /var/log/ folder such as:
and so on.
None of the files are available. But rsyslog package exists.
rsyslog is in:
Could the plan be explained please?
Vintage Atari 800 Home Computer Untested Selling As Is
A8picoCart Atari 130XE 65XE 800XL XEGS multicart UnoCart atarimax clone
Atari 800xl 65xe 130xe XEGS Pico. A8PicoCart. Loaded with ROMs Gray/Gray
Atari 1040ST computer with PS3000 monitor, various software, and accessories.
ATARI ST Din13 TO VGA Adaptor LOW-MEDIUM/HIGH Switchable with Audio Out
Atari Falcon 030 + 14MB + Dual CF Reader + Atari Mouse + VGA Connector + Box
A8PicoCart Kit Atari 130 65XE 800XL 600XL XEGS unocart clone multicart game
POWER ADAPTER Atari Lynx 110/120 VAC AC Wall Plug
UnoCart 2.6k Atari 2600 UnoCart 2600 w/ firmware 2.3.17
Atari 800xl 65xe 130xe XEGS Pico. A8PicoCart. Loaded with ROMs White/White