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Thread: Installation Experiance

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2003

    Installation Experiance

    Ok, after trying a Knoppix CD in a few systems I easily became impressed. I wanted Knoppix to be the distribution I used at home as well, so I gave the hard drive installation a shot. All appeared to go well, with a few hiccups. (Please note that I am not trying to be negative, I am simply looking for solutions and doing my part to offer feedback).

    First off the bat, I didn't see the cool colours of the bootup process telling me that I have a logitech cordless mouse, and all of the other autoconfiguration that the Knoppix CD did. Instead, I got a very plain white text on blackbackground boot process with no progress bars or anything.

    Second, everything was not in english...but I was warned beforehand so it didn't bother me too much.

    Third, K3B (my favorite CD burning app) would not burn unless I ran it as root. I have yet to figure out the solution to this problem as running K3B setup and Configure K3B do not solve it.

    Fourth, after installing Synaptic through apt-get, I could not load up my sources list. Synaptic would complain about not being able to read the file sources.list. Manually editing this file worked however.

    Fifth, performing an "apt-get update" and then "apt-get upgrade world" would tell me that about 120 packages would be removed (mostly KDE packages with K3B being one of them). Knoppix should maintain a package mirror for the packages that it has installed by default so that these packages aren't removed.

    Sixth, the bootup and shutdown voices are gone. When I replace the voices in the KDE setup (this involved setting arts to start automatically), they aren't heard before the KDE boot box starts (like the Knoppix CD), they are heard after KDE configures the devices and such. And, the shutdown voice gets cut off as KDE exits whereas the CD allows the voice to complete.

    Seventh, this is more of a request....I would LOVE Knoppix to be an easy graphical frontend to a MINIMAL (that's the key word here) install of Debian. There are ALOT of packages and programs installed by default that I have no use for and could do without. Yes I know I can remove them, but I'm talking about a request for convenience. Maybe just a simple installation of KDE/GNOME along with Synaptic configured with all of the needed package mirrors (and of course any programs that would help in setting up your system such as ethernet/adsl/printer/whatever).

    If I run across any other problems I'll be sure to post them. Thanks for listening :P

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    USA, IL

    Re: Installation Experiance

    #3: As root, ' whereis k3b '; then ' chmod +s PATH-TO-K3B/k3b '. This will allow you to run k3b as your userid, and it will assume root privs. However, you should also ' chown headholio.root PATH/k3b ' and ' chmod o-sx PATH/k3b ' for security reasons. This is so that only *your* userid gets to run k3b, and not just any other id on the system.

    #5: I don't think you should use "world" with upgrade, but not 100% sure.

    #7: Check out Morphix. Here is also a thread similar to your request, but I'm not sure if they have any files for DL yet.

    --And of course, Damn Small Linux, as well as others:

    Quote Originally Posted by HeadHolio
    Ok, after trying a Knoppix CD in a few systems I easily became impressed. I wanted Knoppix to be the distribution I used at home as well, so I gave the hard drive installation a shot. All appeared to go well, with a few hiccups. (Please note that I am not trying to be negative, I am simply looking for solutions and doing my part to offer feedback).

    First off the bat, I didn't see the cool colours of the bootup process telling me that I have a logitech cordless mouse, and all of the other autoconfiguration that the Knoppix CD did. Instead, I got a very plain white text on blackbackground boot process with no progress bars or anything.

    Second, everything was not in english...but I was warned beforehand so it didn't bother me too much.

    Third, K3B (my favorite CD burning app) would not burn unless I ran it as root. I have yet to figure out the solution to this problem as running K3B setup and Configure K3B do not solve it.

    Fourth, after installing Synaptic through apt-get, I could not load up my sources list. Synaptic would complain about not being able to read the file sources.list. Manually editing this file worked however.

    Fifth, performing an "apt-get update" and then "apt-get upgrade world" would tell me that about 120 packages would be removed (mostly KDE packages with K3B being one of them). Knoppix should maintain a package mirror for the packages that it has installed by default so that these packages aren't removed.

    Sixth, the bootup and shutdown voices are gone. When I replace the voices in the KDE setup (this involved setting arts to start automatically), they aren't heard before the KDE boot box starts (like the Knoppix CD), they are heard after KDE configures the devices and such. And, the shutdown voice gets cut off as KDE exits whereas the CD allows the voice to complete.

    Seventh, this is more of a request....I would LOVE Knoppix to be an easy graphical frontend to a MINIMAL (that's the key word here) install of Debian. There are ALOT of packages and programs installed by default that I have no use for and could do without. Yes I know I can remove them, but I'm talking about a request for convenience. Maybe just a simple installation of KDE/GNOME along with Synaptic configured with all of the needed package mirrors (and of course any programs that would help in setting up your system such as ethernet/adsl/printer/whatever).

    If I run across any other problems I'll be sure to post them. Thanks for listening :P

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    Utrecht, The Netherlands
    First off the bat, I didn't see the cool colours of the bootup process telling me that I have a logitech cordless mouse, and all of the other autoconfiguration that the Knoppix CD did. Instead, I got a very plain white text on blackbackground boot process with no progress bars or anything.
    Thats because you dont have a knoppix-cd, but an 'normal' debian system. so no nice, colorful hardware-detection (because it is already configured) but just plain startup. I prefer it colorful myself too, but I can live without it

    Fourth, after installing Synaptic through apt-get, I could not load up my sources list. Synaptic would complain about not being able to read the file sources.list. Manually editing this file worked however.
    I have the same problem. dunno why...

    Fifth, performing an "apt-get update" and then "apt-get upgrade world" would tell me that about 120 packages would be removed (mostly KDE packages with K3B being one of them). Knoppix should maintain a package mirror for the packages that it has installed by default so that these packages aren't removed.
    I have the very same problem ("apt-get upgrade" without "world" does the same) and I dont like it either... must be some bug, broken dependency's or what? After some trying, It looks to me it has *something* to do with libvorbis0 and/or libvorbis0a ??? But im unsure...

    Sixth, the bootup and shutdown voices are gone. When I replace the voices in the KDE setup (this involved setting arts to start automatically), they aren't heard before the KDE boot box starts (like the Knoppix CD), they are heard after KDE configures the devices and such. And, the shutdown voice gets cut off as KDE exits whereas the CD allows the voice to complete.
    Guess the reason is as like with 1: its not knoppix anymore, but just debian. But there might be some hacks to solve it, and I'd like to have them too - so if you find out, notice, and maybe they can be included in knoppix for the hd-install ??!!!??

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002

    Re: Installation Experiance

    Quote Originally Posted by HeadHolio
    Second, everything was not in english...but I was warned beforehand so it didn't bother me too much.
    Hmm that's odd. I've not had that happen before on an install. You did download the EN Knoppix .iso and not the DE version right? The only other thing I can suggest is making sure that before you install, you boot the cd with the following option: "lang=us"

    Fourth, after installing Synaptic through apt-get, I could not load up my sources list. Synaptic would complain about not being able to read the file sources.list. Manually editing this file worked however.
    Again odd. I've done quite a few installs and never had this happen. Anyone else?

    Fifth, performing an "apt-get update" and then "apt-get upgrade world" would tell me that about 120 packages would be removed (mostly KDE packages with K3B being one of them). Knoppix should maintain a package mirror for the packages that it has installed by default so that these packages aren't removed.
    Well like Dave B. I'm not so sure about the world option either. You sould realize that Knoppix is a mixture of Debian stable, testing, and unstable so you will run up against this problem often. Whenever I try installing a package that tells me it's about to remove a whole bunch of other programs I try one of the following options.

    Note that in all the examples below I use the -s option. This tells apt to simulate the request and tell me what the results will be before I actually decide to go along with it. I find it's a helpful practice. Simply remove the -s when you are ready to actually go along with the install/upgrade

    apt-get -s install program_name/unstable
    This tells apt install the requested package from unstable. This will often solve the dependency removal issue, but not always.

    apt-get -s -t unstable install program name
    This tells apt to install the requested package from unstable AND resolve all dependencies from unstable as well. This often takes care your problems when apt-get install program_name/unstable won't.

    Take my advice and AVOID going along with installs or upgrades that remove and don't just update scores of packages unless you really know what you are doing. I've borked KDE this way before.

    There are some programs that you won't be able to find in the official debian trees. I recommend looking up stuff at You can locate the repository you need here and add it to your /etc/apt/sources.list file.

    Sixth, the bootup and shutdown voices are gone. When I replace the voices in the KDE setup (this involved setting arts to start automatically), they aren't heard before the KDE boot box starts (like the Knoppix CD), they are heard after KDE configures the devices and such. And, the shutdown voice gets cut off as KDE exits whereas the CD allows the voice to complete.
    Read the following link on this issue.

    Good luck.

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Utrecht, The Netherlands
    apt-get -s -t unstable install program name
    does work, it upgrades alot of the kdeprogs. but also wants to remove alot of them, including Koffice:
    The following extra packages will be installed:
      ark imlib2 k3b kalarm kamera kandy kappfinder karm kasteroids kate
      kbattleship kbounce kcalc kcharselect kcmlinuz kcoloredit kcontrol kcron
      kdat kdeadmin-kfile-plugins kdebase-bin kdebase-kio-plugins
      kdegraphics-kfile-plugins kdelibs-bin kdelibs-data kdelibs4
      kdemultimedia-kfile-plugins kdenetwork-kfile-plugins kdepasswd
      kdepim-kfile-plugins kdepim-libs kdeprint kdesktop kdessh kdf kdm kdvi kedit
      kfax kfind kfloppy kgeo kget kghostview kgpgcertmanager khelpcenter khexedit
      kicker kiconedit kjots klaptopdaemon klipper kmahjongg kmail kmailcvt
      kmenuedit kmix kmrml knotes konq-plugins konqueror konqueror-nsplugins
      konsole kooka korganizer kpackage kpager kpaint kpersonalizer kpf kpilot
      kppp krdc kreversi krfb kruler kscd ksmserver ksnapshot ksokoban ksplash
      kstars ksync ksysguard ksysguardd ksysv ktimer ktip kuickshow kuser kview
      kviewshell kwin kxconfig libarts1 libartsc0 libexif5 libkdegames1
      libkdenetwork2 libkonq4 libkscan1 libqt3-mt libsensors1 libvorbis0 lisa
    The following packages will be REMOVED:
      audacity chromium chromium-data criticalmass cuyo enigma freeciv
      freeciv-client-gtk freeciv-client-xaw3d frozen-bubble isdn-config isdnutils
      isdnvboxclient kaddressbook karbon kate-plugins kchart
      kdeaddons-kfile-plugins kdepim kformula kivio koffice-data koffice-libs
      kompare kopete koshell kpresenter kspread kteatime kugar kword libopenal0
      libqt3c102-mt libsdl-mixer1.2 libsdl-perl libvorbis-dev libvorbis0a
      penguin-command qcad qtparted scribus sox vorbis-tools
    The following NEW packages will be installed:
      imlib2 libexif5 libqt3-mt libsensors1 libvorbis0
    and then:

    Fourth, after installing Synaptic through apt-get, I could not load up my sources list. Synaptic would complain about not being able to read the file sources.list. Manually editing this file worked however.
    Again odd. I've done quite a few installs and never had this happen. Anyone else?
    yep: me. I dont really care, but its quite strange isnt it? esp if its supposed to work...

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
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    Utrecht, The Netherlands
    ok, now I have removed kde - and im trying to get kde 3.1.3 on it. but how, apt-get keeps on saying kdebase needs bla bla bla, but it is not going to be installed. why ****ing not??? I'm asking it!!!


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