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Thread: Changing free space

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Sep 2003

    Changing free space

    Yesterday I received and "installed" the Knoppix CD on a WinMe machine with a 20G drive and 64mb of RAM. During the install, I was prompted to enter, what I think, was the amount of free disk space to use. The option was to pick a number between 60 and 120, I chose 60. After it was setup, it seemed to be running quite slowly, so I found (again, I think) where I could change the amount of free disk space and increased it to 120. It doesnt seem to have made much difference.

    Is this because there is only 64mb of RAM (is it even related to this). I think I have correctly changed the option (it was under config or system config), is there another or proper method of doing this.
    Thanks in anticipation.

  2. #2
    Member registered user
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    Sep 2003
    You're right. When running from the cd, anything less than 128 RAM triggers the creation of a swap file, knoppix.swp, if it doesn't already exist.

    It works okay but isn't as good as 128 RAM. Even more RAM is better, of course.

    If you decide to put a persistent home directory on a memory stick, use some of the stick for the swap file. I'm using a 256 lexar jumpdrive (?). I have a 128 MB "persistent home" (knoppix.img) and a 60 MB knoppix.swp.

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002
    USA, IL
    --Putting swap on a USB memory stick is not a good idea, it decreases the lifetime of the device due to the limited # of writes the technology supports.

    Quote Originally Posted by bitey
    You're right. When running from the cd, anything less than 128 RAM triggers the creation of a swap file, knoppix.swp, if it doesn't already exist.

    It works okay but isn't as good as 128 RAM. Even more RAM is better, of course.

    If you decide to put a persistent home directory on a memory stick, use some of the stick for the swap file. I'm using a 256 lexar jumpdrive (?). I have a 128 MB "persistent home" (knoppix.img) and a 60 MB knoppix.swp.

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Mar 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Dave_Bechtel
    --Putting swap on a USB memory stick is not a good idea, it decreases the lifetime of the device due to the limited # of writes the technology supports.
    Agree. I would rather like to have KNOPPIX 'steal' the swap from the local harddisk(if the fs is compatible for such things as loopback file) and hopefully the script can be changed to use crypto loop on it so all it will be leaving behind is a big file with random content to the nake eye. Of course, this would not be good for forensic usage so some cheat code to enable/disable this feature, along the line of 'knoppix/expert [options]' becomes 'forensic [options]' to make it easier to choose from the menu.

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