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Thread: KnoppixQuake - bootable Quake Team Fortress server

  1. #1

    KnoppixQuake - bootable Quake Team Fortress server

    I have completed my first Knoppix remaster, based on someone elses (KnopNL Base). It was a text-only ~70MB remaster. I added in the Quake Mega Team Fortress server code. So you boot into it, and can run your own Quake server. Fun for those who still play this game.

    The ISO is 130MB, and you can get it from <a href=> </a> - but please note that this is my home machine, and I am moving this weekend (the 25th), so it may be down for a few days around that time.

  2. #2


    That is just too cool!

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    is it the original quake or quake 3 fortress??

  4. #4

    It's the original quake

    It is the original Quake Team Fortress (with the Mega mod). I have played newer games like Half-life and Unreal Tournament, but I keep coming back to good ol' TF. You can update the graphics all you want, but the gameplay of the original Quake Team Fortress is just great IMO.

  5. #5
    Senior Member registered user
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    Long Island, NY, USA
    OK this sounded cool! So I downloaded the ISO last week and burned a few CDs today. They all boot up fine, then what? How do I set up a network game on my LAN - or is this only setup for play over the internet?


  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Chicagoland area

    How to start the server

    After the CD boots up, you cd into the quake directory. There is a readme in there for more info if you aren't familiar with all of the commands in the server.cfg file.

    At boot time you should get assigned an IP address via DHCP. I don't have it display the IP on boot, I should probably do that in the future. You can use the command `ifconfig` to find out your IP address. On the client machine, just type in "connect <ip address>" into the console.

    To start the server, cd to /quake (softlink to knoppix/quake/) and type "./startquake" for the quick method, or "cat startquake" to see what it is doing. You should give it the "+gamedir fortress" option to point it to the correct directory where all the maps and stuff are stored.

    I tried to put enough info in the readme to answer most questions. I have been thinking about setting up a CD with other game servers, but I have to make sure not to run into any licensing issues. Also, I still play the original Quake Team Fortress, I don't even play Quake II, III, etc.

    My DSL connection is getting switched over to my house, so that is why you can't connect to the webpage and get the ISO images right now. It should be active on Feb 3rd though.

  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
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    OK, to get the ip address its "ipconfig," right?

    Anyway, once I have that, what do i do with the ip addresses?


  8. #8
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    if, not ip

    In Linux it is "ifconfig" (if = interface). You should see a listing for your interfaces, eth0 is probably your default network interface (unless you have eth1, eth2, etc set up). Your IP is listed after "inet addr: "

    For the server, you don't need to do anything with the IP. The clients on your LAN will need to connect to this IP to play on the server. After starting their clients, they will go to the Quake console and type "connect <IP of server>".

    Of course, they won't be able to connect until you start up the server. See my previous post, or the readme in the quake directory for info on that.

  9. #9
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    was wondering if there are any other dedicated servers that can be released under the same free license without encountering any legal issues. I know that Q3 arena etc need the BSP/PAK files to be copied from the original cd.....which of course cannot be redistributed...
    any ideas?

  10. #10
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    Please forgive my extreme denseness, but


    Sorry for screaming....

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