Ack! I know just enough to be dangerous. This is my third time attempting linux in the past two years and the third time I have totally screwed up my Windows partition in the process.

That said, I have now finally gotten Knoppix to install on my hard-disc and dual boot! Unfortunatly, all those great things I loved about the CD edition are now gone :( No internet. No access to NTFS partition. No access to my Fat32 formatted USB2.0 exteral hard drive. The sad thing is that I know that Knoppix can do these things but I have no idea how to do it.

For example: I see on the site that someone has a technique for getting DHCP working
"There is a known problem installing Knoppix onto the hd and using dhcp. Go to /etc/network/interfaces and add the appropriate information by hand.

for those who want to know just added:

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp"

But heck, I havn't used command line stuff since MSDOS and all the commands I am familier with work differently under Linux. Can anyone help me out. I really, REALLY want to get away from Windows and the power of the "apt-get" command convinced me to try a Debian dist over SUSE but I am really having a hard time of it.

Things were better when I had access to the LinuxTag forums but since they are down the english resources for Knoppix are pretty bare.
