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Thread: Can't find knoppix file stystem - Toshiba S11 -

  1. #1
    Member registered user
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    Jul 2007

    Can't find knoppix file stystem - Toshiba S11 -

    Ok, I'm trying to get knoppix 5.1.1 liveCD to run on a Toshiba S11. I thought the CD was bad but it loads fine on a Toshiba Tecra S10.

    Knoppix 6.2.1 does work on the S11 just trying to get the 5.1.1 to work. It boots but I think it fails when it gets to the drive and is unable to mount.

    Any ideas? Am I at versions 5.1.1 limitation? I did try using some of the cheat codes noapci, dma, nodma. I think I read somewhere it had something to do with the drive being SATA or something. Anyone know?

    Also knoppix failsafe fails
    knoppix 2 fails
    knoppix debug gets to the point where it asks you to type exit to continue at which time it immediately fails, right at reading the drive.

    Anyone have any ideas?

  2. #2
    Member registered user
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    Jul 2007
    So it gets to the point where the system is searching for cd in ( and it goes so fast I can't really tell ) but it probably goes through the whole list of possible drives, some I was able to slow down on a handycam sd1, hd10, it went through a whole list and I guess none were where it found anything. And that's where it stops with can't find knoppix file system.
    So I found an iso image of 5.3.1 dvd - just burned a fresh copy and same result.

    However 6.2.1 live CD works but it finds the cd knoppix 6 at /dev/sr0. Maybe it's possible knoppix 5.1.1 and 5.3.1 don't search that drive number? and therefore throw an error?

    I'd really like to get 5.1.1 working, or at least figure out why it's not. Maybe it's a knoppix version 5 bug ? I ran two different burns of knoppix 5.1.1 live cd with the same result so nothing wrong with the cd. It works with 6.2.1 so there's nothing wrong with the drive.

    Am I fighting a losing battle with 5.1.1 since we're up at Knoppix 9.2 now? Does anyone have any suggestions?

  3. #3
    Member registered user
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    Jul 2007
    I made a knoppix boot usb using yumi through windows.
    The same problem exists on the usb - can't find knoppix file system. I have no replies doesn't anyone know? Is this forum dead?

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