Well here's your chance to request whatever you would like to see in a Knoppix 3.3 based DVD.

This is just something I'm doing on my own and does not involve Klaus or the rest of the dev's! Please don't ask them about it.

If it's in Debian it should be easy enough to include it in the DVD or at least I will try. If it's not in Debian I will try to compile it but sometimes things just don't work out the way we want. Please provide a link to any apps you would like to see that are not already in Debian because it is most likely that I will be too lazy to go searching for it myself. If you want to make a .deb that would be even better!

Please be specific in your requests- not just "I want an app that does blah...". Some apps cannot be included- for example: proftpd and vsftpd will each want to remove the other.

Should anyone care to host the .iso for download I'd like to hear from you. Also if someone would like to host the Knoppix 3.2DVD.iso send me an email.

I am not promising any specific date of offering this DVD for either purchase or download so please don't harrass me! I will however most likely offer the DVD for sale if there is enough interest in such a thing.

Please be aware that I am not becoming a rich man by selling Knoppix DVD's but rather most of that money has been spent to purchase blank cd-r media, mailers and postage to send Knoppix to those who might not otherwise have a chance to use this amazing piece of work. Thanks to those of you who have spent your hard-earned cash for something worthwhile.

Lastly, should anyone wish to help send me an email and let me know how you can assist.