HI ! altogether Very Briefly I Concerning KNOPPIX 8.6.1 1- Mr RUYMBEKE reported and Correction concerning SYNAPTIC replacing "STABLE" by "BUSTER" in the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00knoppix. This worked well some years ago. BUT NOT in July /August 2023 !! I have posted about in one Mr Ruybeke's post. Please TRY SYNAPTIC. You'll receive the old notifification of APPT ("buster" refused).. I Think that Mr KNOPPER has moved information onanother repository not APT-COMPATIBLE. 2- For 32bits Chrome and Konquerorr don't work unliike Firefox slightly "capricious". II Concerning KNOPPIX 9.1 1- For 32 bits all navigators are "problemtic" "unstable".(for those sometimes accepted). 2- Once "LOOGED" it's IMPOSSIBLE to "RElog" after closing Sesion. Valuable for all my processors Thanks you very much for your help Greatings knp w
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