HI ! altogether Very Briefly I Concerning KNOPPIX 8.6.1 1- Mr RUYMBEKE reported and Correction concerning SYNAPTIC replacing "STABLE" by "BUSTER" in the file /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/00knoppix. This worked well some years ago. BUT NOT in July /August 2023 !! I have posted about in one Mr Ruybeke's post. Please TRY SYNAPTIC. You'll receive the old notifification of APPT ("buster" refused).. I Think that Mr KNOPPER has moved information onanother repository not APT-COMPATIBLE. 2- For 32bits Chrome and Konquerorr don't work unliike Firefox slightly "capricious". II Concerning KNOPPIX 9.1 1- For 32 bits all navigators are "problemtic" "unstable".(for those sometimes accepted). 2- Once "LOOGED" it's IMPOSSIBLE to "RElog" after closing Sesion. Valuable for all my processors Thanks you very much for your help Greatings knp w
TESTED Vintage Apple Macintosh Keyboard M0110A Mac Plus 128k/512k Missing 1 Key
1984 APPLE MACINTOSH M0001 1st MAC 128K 40th Anniversary
Vintage Apple lle 128K Model Vintage Computer
Apple Macintosh 128K M0001 Computer with Mouse, no keyboard. Case included. 1984
Macintosh Platinum Mouse - Apple 128K 512K 512Ke Mac Plus Lisa IIe M0100 - NEW
1984 APPLE MACINTOSH 40th Anniversary MATCHING # BOX Set 1st Mac 128K M0001 NICE
Vintage Apple RAM chips 128K Gold EDH4128-15
Vintage Apple Macintosh Classic 128K Game Pack 3 On New 400K Double Density Disk
1984 Macintosh 128K Mac M0001 EMPTY CASE Housing SHELL ONLY Steve Jobs Mac NICE
Apple Macintosh 128k Logic Board 1983 in Shadow Box