I've fixed the problems I had with starting the X-server and got the size
down below 700MB again, also updated from 2003-11-03 to 2003-11-14.

For those of you who haven't been following my monologue the last
few days this is an ISO image where the original kernel has been replaced
by one with the SMP support turned off and APM replaced by ACPI.
The SMP stuff in the original kernel causes my machine to lock up
right after loading the kernel and it seems like many others have had similar
problems, if you are one of them you might want to give this a try.
The ACPI stuff is needed to, among other things, enable CPU throttling and
battery status reading. On some machines the sound chip doesn't get any
IRQ assigned without ACPI either.

Anyway, the stuff is on the gnutella network, do a search for "knoppix_3.3_acpi_experimental"
After downloading check that theMD5 sum is: 8daf48acbc5c85477ce1df98ed762b87

Why gnutella ? Well, I just want to prove it can be used for other things than
what RIAA says. If this causes problems but you still want to obtain the ISO image
speak up and we will work something else out.