How do I start a harddisk-installed Knoppix using just the Knoppix CD? That is, boot off CD, but run off hard disk?

I installed Knoppix 3.3 onto my laptop's hard disk (hda4) using knx-hdinstall. I did not make a boot floppy as I do not have a floppy drive. I did not specify LILO as I did not want to mess up my finicky WinXP partitions. I thought I could specify at the Knoppix CD boot prompt, something to boot off hda4, using "knoppix fromhd=/dev/hda4", but that did not work. I then tried downloading loadlin.exe and used the hda4's vmlinuz, but I get a message that the WinXP command prompt is not really DOS. I tried (as root in CD Knoppix) mounting /mnt/hda4 and then doing a chroot, but it still ran off the CD.

Can someone help? I want to boot off the Knoppix CD and somehow get the hard disk Knoppix to then take over.

Thanks in advance!