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Thread: funky problems

  1. #1
    Junior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Dec 2003

    funky problems

    ok so i installed knoppix on my harddrive. now i really want to chahge teh res i cant stand 640x480. so i found the thing to do that. but it doenst change it. i dont know why but it just wont. now alos it shows my card as generic and not as 9600pro. also (i think i might be able to figure this out) the login screen seems to ben in a nother language. gona look at that now but still dont know about the res and vidcard. yes this is a laptop.

    oh and on a nother note where is the volume control. i think i have sould working but dont hear any thing so i want to see if its like muted,.

    Thank You

  2. #2
    Junior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ok found the language problem but i cant save it after i set it to english. i dont rember if there was a button on the bottem but i cant see it and only get the stuff at the top so now i need to change my res even moar

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Hmm, 1024x768 is usually the default in knoppix until you change something.
    It would probably be easier to help you out if you were more specific about
    your machine than just mentioning it is a laptop.
    What's in your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 and what do you get if you say
    lspci on the command line ?

  4. #4
    Junior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ok umm its a 2.4 p4 9600pro, some lcd that goes to 1600x1200 uxga. now i found the resulition panal last night but i cant accept it. i mean the changes never take affect. so it is nust stuck at 640x480.

    whne i do ispci i get command not found.

    ill post my /etx/x11/f=xf86config-4 in a min

  5. #5
    Junior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Section "ServerLayout"
    	Identifier     "XFree86 Configured"
    	Screen      0  "Screen0" 0 0
    	InputDevice    "Keyboard0" "CoreKeyboard"
    	InputDevice    "PS/2 Mouse" "CorePointer"
    # Serial Mouse not detected
    # USB Mouse not detected
    Section "ServerFlags"
    	Option "AllowMouseOpenFail"  "true"
    Section "Files"
    	RgbPath      "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/rgb"
    	ModulePath   "/usr/X11R6/lib/modules"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc:unscaled"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/misc"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi:unscaled"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/75dpi"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi:unscaled"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/100dpi"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Speedo"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/PEX"
    # Additional fonts: Locale, Gimp, TTF...
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/cyrillic"
    #	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/75dpi"
    #	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/latin2/100dpi"
    # True type and type1 fonts are also handled via xftlib, see /etc/X11/XftConfig!
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/Type1"
    	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/western"
    	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/ttf/decoratives"
    	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype"
    	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/openoffice"
    	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-bitstream-vera"
    	FontPath     "/usr/share/fonts/latex-ttf-fonts"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/defoma/CID"
    	FontPath     "/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/defoma/TrueType"
    Section "Module"
            Load  "ddc"  # ddc probing of monitor
    	Load  "GLcore"
    	Load  "dbe"
    	Load  "dri"
    	Load  "extmod"
    	Load  "glx"
            Load  "bitmap" # bitmap-fonts
    	Load  "speedo"
    	Load  "type1"
    	Load  "freetype"
    	Load  "record"
    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier  "Keyboard0"
    	Driver      "keyboard"
            Option      "CoreKeyboard"
    	Option "XkbRules" "xfree86"
    	Option "XkbModel" "pc105"
    	Option "XkbLayout" "us"
    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier  "Serial Mouse"
    	Driver      "mouse"
    	Option      "Protocol" "Microsoft"
    	Option      "Device" "/dev/ttyS0"
    	Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    	Option      "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
    	Option	    "SendCoreEvents"  "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
    	Identifier  "PS/2 Mouse"
    	Driver      "mouse"
    	Option      "Protocol" "auto"
    Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
    	Option      "Device" "/dev/psaux"
    	Option      "Emulate3Buttons" "true"
    	Option      "Emulate3Timeout" "70"
    	Option	    "SendCoreEvents"  "true"
    Section "InputDevice"
            Identifier      "USB Mouse"
            Driver          "mouse"
            Option          "Device"                "/dev/input/mice"
    	Option		"SendCoreEvents"	"true"
            Option          "Protocol"              "IMPS/2"
            Option          "ZAxisMapping"          "4 5"
            Option          "Buttons"               "5"
    # Auto-generated by KNOPPIX mkxf86config
    Section "Monitor"
    	Identifier	"Monitor0"
    	Option	"DPMS"	"true"
    #	HorizSync    28.0 - 78.0 # Warning: This may fry very old Monitors
    	HorizSync    28-96# Warning: This may fry old Monitors
    #	VertRefresh  50.0 - 76.0 # Very conservative. May flicker.
    	VertRefresh  50-62# Extreme conservative. Will flicker. TFT default.
    	#  Default modes distilled from
    	#      "VESA and Industry Standards and Guide for Computer Display Monitor
    	#       Timing", version 1.0, revision 0.8, adopted September 17, 1998.
    	#  $XFree86: xc/programs/Xserver/hw/xfree86/etc/vesamodes,v 1.4 1999/11/18 16:52:17 tsi Exp $
    	# 640x350 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.9kHz
    	ModeLine "640x350"    31.5  640  672  736  832    350  382  385  445 +hsync -vsync
    	# 640x400 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.9kHz
    	ModeLine "640x400"    31.5  640  672  736  832    400  401  404  445 -hsync +vsync
    	# 720x400 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.9kHz
    	ModeLine "720x400"    35.5  720  756  828  936    400  401  404  446 -hsync +vsync
    	# 640x480 @ 60Hz (Industry standard) hsync: 31.5kHz
    	ModeLine "640x480"    25.2  640  656  752  800    480  490  492  525 -hsync -vsync
    	# 640x480 @ 72Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.9kHz
    	ModeLine "640x480"    31.5  640  664  704  832    480  489  491  520 -hsync -vsync
    	# 640x480 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.5kHz
    	ModeLine "640x480"    31.5  640  656  720  840    480  481  484  500 -hsync -vsync
    	# 640x480 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 43.3kHz
    	ModeLine "640x480"    36.0  640  696  752  832    480  481  484  509 -hsync -vsync
    	# 800x600 @ 56Hz (VESA) hsync: 35.2kHz
    	ModeLine "800x600"    36.0  800  824  896 1024    600  601  603  625 +hsync +vsync
    	# 800x600 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 37.9kHz
    	ModeLine "800x600"    40.0  800  840  968 1056    600  601  605  628 +hsync +vsync
    	# 800x600 @ 72Hz (VESA) hsync: 48.1kHz
    	ModeLine "800x600"    50.0  800  856  976 1040    600  637  643  666 +hsync +vsync
    	# 800x600 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 46.9kHz
    	ModeLine "800x600"    49.5  800  816  896 1056    600  601  604  625 +hsync +vsync
    	# 800x600 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 53.7kHz
    	ModeLine "800x600"    56.3  800  832  896 1048    600  601  604  631 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1024x768i @ 43Hz (industry standard) hsync: 35.5kHz
    	ModeLine "1024x768"   44.9 1024 1032 1208 1264    768  768  776  817 +hsync +vsync Interlace
    	# 1024x768 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 48.4kHz
    	ModeLine "1024x768"   65.0 1024 1048 1184 1344    768  771  777  806 -hsync -vsync
    	# 1024x768 @ 70Hz (VESA) hsync: 56.5kHz
    	ModeLine "1024x768"   75.0 1024 1048 1184 1328    768  771  777  806 -hsync -vsync
    	# 1024x768 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 60.0kHz
    	ModeLine "1024x768"   78.8 1024 1040 1136 1312    768  769  772  800 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1024x768 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 68.7kHz
    	ModeLine "1024x768"   94.5 1024 1072 1168 1376    768  769  772  808 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1152x864 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 67.5kHz
    	ModeLine "1152x864"  108.0 1152 1216 1344 1600    864  865  868  900 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1280x960 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 60.0kHz
    	ModeLine "1280x960"  108.0 1280 1376 1488 1800    960  961  964 1000 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1280x960 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 85.9kHz
    	ModeLine "1280x960"  148.5 1280 1344 1504 1728    960  961  964 1011 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1280x1024 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 64.0kHz
    	ModeLine "1280x1024" 108.0 1280 1328 1440 1688   1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1280x1024 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 80.0kHz
    	ModeLine "1280x1024" 135.0 1280 1296 1440 1688   1024 1025 1028 1066 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1280x1024 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 91.1kHz
    	ModeLine "1280x1024" 157.5 1280 1344 1504 1728   1024 1025 1028 1072 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1600x1200 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 75.0kHz
    	ModeLine "1600x1200" 162.0 1600 1664 1856 2160   1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1600x1200 @ 65Hz (VESA) hsync: 81.3kHz
    	ModeLine "1600x1200" 175.5 1600 1664 1856 2160   1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1600x1200 @ 70Hz (VESA) hsync: 87.5kHz
    	ModeLine "1600x1200" 189.0 1600 1664 1856 2160   1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1600x1200 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 93.8kHz
    	ModeLine "1600x1200" 202.5 1600 1664 1856 2160   1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1600x1200 @ 85Hz (VESA) hsync: 106.3kHz
    	ModeLine "1600x1200" 229.5 1600 1664 1856 2160   1200 1201 1204 1250 +hsync +vsync
    	# 1792x1344 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 83.6kHz
    	ModeLine "1792x1344" 204.8 1792 1920 2120 2448   1344 1345 1348 1394 -hsync +vsync
    	# 1792x1344 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 106.3kHz
    	ModeLine "1792x1344" 261.0 1792 1888 2104 2456   1344 1345 1348 1417 -hsync +vsync
    	# 1856x1392 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 86.3kHz
    	ModeLine "1856x1392" 218.3 1856 1952 2176 2528   1392 1393 1396 1439 -hsync +vsync
    	# 1856x1392 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 112.5kHz
    	ModeLine "1856x1392" 288.0 1856 1984 2208 2560   1392 1393 1396 1500 -hsync +vsync
    	# 1920x1440 @ 60Hz (VESA) hsync: 90.0kHz
    	ModeLine "1920x1440" 234.0 1920 2048 2256 2600   1440 1441 1444 1500 -hsync +vsync
    	# 1920x1440 @ 75Hz (VESA) hsync: 112.5kHz
    	ModeLine "1920x1440" 297.0 1920 2064 2288 2640   1440 1441 1444 1500 -hsync +vsync
    	# Additional modelines
    	ModeLine "1800x1440"  230    1800 1896 2088 2392  1440 1441 1444 1490 +HSync +VSync
    	ModeLine "1800x1440"  250    1800 1896 2088 2392  1440 1441 1444 1490 +HSync +VSync
    	# Extended modelines with GTF timings
    	# 640x480 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 50.90 kHz; pclk: 43.16 MHz
    	ModeLine "640x480"  43.16  640 680 744 848  480 481 484 509  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 768x576 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 35.82 kHz; pclk: 34.96 MHz
    	ModeLine "768x576"  34.96  768 792 872 976  576 577 580 597  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 768x576 @ 72.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 43.27 kHz; pclk: 42.93 MHz
    	ModeLine "768x576"  42.93  768 800 880 992  576 577 580 601  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 768x576 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 45.15 kHz; pclk: 45.51 MHz
    	ModeLine "768x576"  45.51  768 808 888 1008  576 577 580 602  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 768x576 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 51.42 kHz; pclk: 51.84 MHz
    	ModeLine "768x576"  51.84  768 808 888 1008  576 577 580 605  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 768x576 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 61.10 kHz; pclk: 62.57 MHz
    	ModeLine "768x576"  62.57  768 816 896 1024  576 577 580 611  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 800x600 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 63.60 kHz; pclk: 68.18 MHz
    	ModeLine "800x600"  68.18  800 848 936 1072  600 601 604 636  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1024x768 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 81.40 kHz; pclk: 113.31 MHz
    	ModeLine "1024x768"  113.31  1024 1096 1208 1392  768 769 772 814  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1152x864 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 53.70 kHz; pclk: 81.62 MHz
    	ModeLine "1152x864"  81.62  1152 1216 1336 1520  864 865 868 895  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1152x864 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 77.10 kHz; pclk: 119.65 MHz
    	ModeLine "1152x864"  119.65  1152 1224 1352 1552  864 865 868 907  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1152x864 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 91.50 kHz; pclk: 143.47 MHz
    	ModeLine "1152x864"  143.47  1152 1232 1360 1568  864 865 868 915  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1280x960 @ 72.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 72.07 kHz; pclk: 124.54 MHz
    	ModeLine "1280x960"  124.54  1280 1368 1504 1728  960 961 964 1001  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1280x960 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 75.15 kHz; pclk: 129.86 MHz
    	ModeLine "1280x960"  129.86  1280 1368 1504 1728  960 961 964 1002  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1280x960 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 101.70 kHz; pclk: 178.99 MHz
    	ModeLine "1280x960"  178.99  1280 1376 1520 1760  960 961 964 1017  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1280x1024 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 108.50 kHz; pclk: 190.96 MHz
    	ModeLine "1280x1024"  190.96  1280 1376 1520 1760  1024 1025 1028 1085  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1400x1050 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 65.22 kHz; pclk: 122.61 MHz
    	ModeLine "1400x1050"  122.61  1400 1488 1640 1880  1050 1051 1054 1087  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1400x1050 @ 72.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 78.77 kHz; pclk: 149.34 MHz
    	ModeLine "1400x1050"  149.34  1400 1496 1648 1896  1050 1051 1054 1094  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1400x1050 @ 75.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 82.20 kHz; pclk: 155.85 MHz
    	ModeLine "1400x1050"  155.85  1400 1496 1648 1896  1050 1051 1054 1096  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1400x1050 @ 85.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 93.76 kHz; pclk: 179.26 MHz
    	ModeLine "1400x1050"  179.26  1400 1504 1656 1912  1050 1051 1054 1103  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1400x1050 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 111.20 kHz; pclk: 214.39 MHz
    	ModeLine "1400x1050"  214.39  1400 1512 1664 1928  1050 1051 1054 1112  -HSync +Vsync
    	# 1600x1200 @ 100.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 127.10 kHz; pclk: 280.64 MHz
    	ModeLine "1600x1200"  280.64  1600 1728 1904 2208  1200 1201 1204 1271  -HSync +Vsync
    vendorname "[Monitor0]"
    modelname "[Monitor0]"
    ModeLine "1600x1200/60Hz" 162 1600 1664 1856 2160 1200 1201 1204 1250  +HSync +VSync
    ModeLine "1280x1024/61Hz" 110 1280 1328 1512 1712 1024 1025 1028 1054 
    ModeLine "1024x768/60Hz" 65 1024 1032 1176 1344 768 771 777 806  -HSync -VSync
    Section "Device"
    	### Available Driver options are:-
    # sw_cursor is needed for some ati and radeon cards
            #Option     "sw_cursor"
            #Option     "hw_cursor"
            #Option     "NoAccel"
            #Option     "ShowCache"
            #Option     "ShadowFB"
            #Option     "UseFBDev"
            #Option     "Rotate"
    	Identifier  "Card0"
    # The following line is auto-generated by KNOPPIX mkxf86config
    	Driver      "vesa"
    	VendorName  "Generic"
    	BoardName   "vesa"
    #	BusID       "PCI:1:0:0"
    Section "Screen"
    	Identifier "Screen0"
    	Device     "Card0"
    	Monitor    "Monitor0"
    	DefaultColorDepth 16
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     1
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     4
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     8
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     15
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     16
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     24
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    	SubSection "Display"
    		Depth     32
    		Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480" 
    		Virtual 0 0
    Section "DRI"
    	Mode 0666
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "Mouse"
    	Option "Protocol" ""
    	Option "Device" "/dev/mouse"
    	Driver "mouse" 
    	Option "Emulate3Buttons"

  6. #6
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Nov 2002

    Re: funky problems

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazzyman
    ok so i installed knoppix on my harddrive. now i really want to chahge teh res i cant stand 640x480. so i found the thing to do that. but it doenst change it. i dont know why but it just wont.
    What are you refering to by "the thing to do that"? Are you booting from the CD? If so, perhaps you mean that you are using a cheat code to change the resolution. For example:

    knoppix screen=1400x1050
    Is this the way you are changing it? If you have fully booted from the CD or if you have done a hdinstall, then you can use kxconfig. Is that what you did? Or did you simply manually edit your /etc/X11/XF86Config-4. Please post back whether you are working from the CD or the HD and what things you have tried.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazzyman
    oh and on a nother note where is the volume control. i think i have sould working but dont hear any thing so i want to see if its like muted,.
    Thank You
    Try running either aumix, xaumix, or kmix. If you are trying to play a cd, make sure that the cd volume is turned up on any of these volume utilities. It's usually set to 0.

  7. #7
    Junior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    ok knoppix is installed to my harddrive no cd in the drive. now i changed teh res in the "display" settings in peripherals>display.

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazzyman
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 16
    Modes "1024x768/60Hz" "640x480"
    Virtual 0 0
    This looks odd, try remoing the /60Hz part, like this:
    SubSection "Display"
    Depth 16
    Modes "1024x768" "640x480"
    Virtual 0 0

    (Make sure you do this in the subsection with Depth 16)

    Quote Originally Posted by TheCrazzyman
    whne i do ispci i get command not found.
    Not "ispci" but "lspci" (first char is lowercaps "L")
    Running it in verbose mode would be even better:
    lspci -v

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