Thanx for the input, Stephen.

However, the reinstall on that one PC (the only one I had a problem on out of 25 PCs in the lab) fixed the problem. I think that something was wrong with the CD I used to install that PC. I always check the md5sum when I download a new iso and I always run knoppix testcd after I burn it. I did not get errors on this CD, but it sounded funny and seemed to have a slower access rate than usual when I was doing that installation.

I think the problem is the new CD-R burner that I used that burned the CDs at a higher but erratic rate than my other burners when I used cdrecord.

What's strnage is that I had no other install problems and I used this CD on 5 other PCs. You see, when I burn a new ISO, I usually make 5 copies: 1 for home and 4 for the lab. My lab is broken up into 6 islands of 4 PCs each (plus the server which I did not reinstall and is still running knoppix-installer as debian 20030924). I only reinstall 4 PCs at a time (one period during the school day). This way I reinstall 4-8 PCs a day and the whole lab 3-6 school days. So I had used these 4 CDs on 5 other islands before without a problem. This problem surfaced on the first PC of the sixth island. This is very strange, I never had a problem like this before....
