has anyone done this I have a old comp i need to get up and i want to host my own site.

I want to use php -nuke and linux.
If I could get a live cd to run the server and make all files(on a cd) i needed to host the site it would be great.
I think the distro that lets u update the live cd would be best cause you can write to the cd and I currently have my knoppix on a cd-rw just in case i wanted to upgrade it after awhile.
even if it would use the small hard drives i got (got like 10 or more ranging from 600-80meg)and load the content from the hard drives but still just boot from the cd not the hard drive and i could update it on the hard drive or have it all cd based with small xserver +winmanager etc .
How hard would that be for a newbiee (i've messed up xfree86 before making my own one;mandrake)
the computer only has 32megs of ram; so I was thinking fluxbox as the gui
no open office no sound on the machine s3virge is the card i think so max screen 800x600 16 bit color,166 intel,floppy,slow cd-rom(make unknown as of yet).
then just enough stufff to run like opera,php-nuke,fluxbox,xserver,etc and to host the html files and the burn to cd for updater.
Is this possable???