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Thread: Yet another noob in troubles:knx-hdinstall and Xp

  1. #1

    Yet another noob in troubles:knx-hdinstall and Xp

    Hy ppl !!!!
    Premise:I've been reading few threads about the Knoppix installation with Xp already on a box,such as This,this
    and this. And i must say that i'm overloaded with infoes (not only form this forum ) and different opinions.
    Beside I'm completely new to GNU/Linux operating systems,and it's about only a couple of weeks that i'm gathering infoes to come to the practical stuff. (in these two weeks i even fixed quiete a few "minor" problems in my computer and now it's ready to launch).
    I've been using Knoppix from the liveCD for few days just to try it out and to get closer to the GNU/Linux world,and i must say that i
    love it. But my "dream" is to get nuff confidence and knowledge to be able,one day,to "switch" to Gentoo. (and here one could say: "....if u don't manage to install,how would you get nuff confident to step over??? and one could be quite right in saying this but,belive me,i'm really busy right now with school and work and i urge to have Knoppix installed to practice on the machine,otherwise i'll just go crazy and overloaded. Basically. )/Premise]

    After i red the two methods threads,knx-hdinstall & knoppix-installer, i'll go for the knx-hdinstall one. (coz i think this will be a good starter for a noob like me)
    I will use GRUB as boot loader,and i'm actually reading the GRUB manual to understand howto edit the menu.lst file,but i'm getting dizzy with it

    Could you give me a shortcut for these two things plea???

    Here it goes my configuration :

    /dev/hda1....../mnt/win_C:\.......10Gb....NTFS...."OS" + appz
    /dev/hda6...../mnt/win_G:\...........5Gb...FAT32...Games..(just in case)

    /dev/hda8....../boot...................70Mb....ext3 -J

    I've got doubts,mainly,about two things:

    1st_knx-install :

    a] Will it chose automatically the swap boot and root partiotions?? (i think it will be not likely, in this case what shoulld i prompt if needed? will i be asked to select them?? should i indicate them as /dev/hdax ??? Thx )

    b] Will it mount the directories (read as:all the structure),as i see them when i use form the liveCD, in the root partition ??? if yes: can i change that later??? or it's quiete all right to leave it as it is???

    c] Once i'm done with the install,will i be able to remove or add any packets i want/want not??? [(if i'm not wrong in the "new method mode" (knoppix installer) someone said the it would be easier with this last method) or i don't have to worry much about it? ]

    2nd_GRUB :

    a] I've already done these steps:

    1. go to here

    2. get the and unzip it to c:\, it is already a directory tree

    3. run c:\boot\grub\w32grub

    4. add 'c:\boot\stage1="GRUB"' to c:\boot.ini

    Now there is a GRUB boot loader in your W2K/XP system.
    I added 'c:\boot\stage1="GRUB"' to c:\boot.ini at the end of it... was it the right line???? Thx (i quote it right here :
    [boot loader]
    default=signature(ee821feb)disk(0)rdisk(0)partitio n(1)\WINDOWS
    [operating systems]
    signature(ee821feb)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WIN DOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect
    b] But my main doubt it's what to write in the menu.lst:

    # Sample boot menu configuration file

    # Boot automatically after a minute.
    timeout 60

    # By default, boot the second entry.
    default 1

    # Fallback to the first entry.
    fallback 0

    title Windows XP
    unhide (hd0,0)
    rootnoverify (hd0,0)
    chainloader +1

    # For booting Linux
    title Woody
    root (hd0,0)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-devfs-ntfs-2.1.3
    initrd /boot/miniwody1.gz
    Assuming that "timeout" "default" fallback" and "Xp" values are ok (are they?? please correct them (read as: the Xp one) if not) should i go for:

    title Knoppix
    root (hd0,9)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz <<< [ btw which one 2.4.??? (i've got Knoppix 3.3 2003-11-19)]
    initrd /boot/initrd <<<

    b1] Should i add anything else to it???

    Many thanks in advance for your help folks.
    Best Regards.
    Igghibù ZwfanDir

    PS: I'll keep reading the GRUB manual for more clarifications .

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Mar 2003
    colorado springs, colorado

    Re: Yet another noob in troubles:knx-hdinstall and Xp

    Quote Originally Posted by Igghibù ZwfanDir

    Here it goes my configuration :

    /dev/hda1....../mnt/win_C:\.......10Gb....NTFS...."OS" + appz
    /dev/hda6...../mnt/win_G:\...........5Gb...FAT32...Games..(just in case)

    /dev/hda8....../boot...................70Mb....ext3 -J

    I've got doubts,mainly,about two things:
    Your swap is fine and if already formatted as swap then yes the installer will recognize this.

    31G for Knoppix? Well it's more than enough. You can use it as is no problem BUT i would suggest you partition your disc into smaller sections. A minimum of 3G is needed for Knoppix. You then can easily copy any of the directories under / to another partition. This gives you an easily re-sized filesystem.

    1st_knx-install :

    a] Will it chose automatically the swap boot and root partiotions?? (i think it will be not likely, in this case what shoulld i prompt if needed? will i be asked to select them?? should i indicate them as /dev/hdax ??? Thx )
    Not automatically but it will alow you to select predefined partitions for /root as well as allow you to partition your disc if it isn't already done.

    b] Will it mount the directories (read as:all the structure),as i see them when i use form the liveCD, in the root partition ??? if yes: can i change that later??? or it's quiete all right to leave it as it is???
    Not exactly no. Everything on hdd install is under / which is standard for *nix.

    c] Once i'm done with the install,will i be able to remove or add any packets i want/want not??? [(if i'm not wrong in the "new method mode" (knoppix installer) someone said the it would be easier with this last method) or i don't have to worry much about it? ]
    knoppix-installer offers you the advantage of being able to immediately add your own user name during install. Additionally you have the choice of a "knoppix-loke" install which is booting the compressed fiel system from hdd just like it were from cd. The 'Debian' type install is what you want if you wish to add and remove packages.

    knx-hdinstall has neither of the above features but does allow you to select your filesystem type. If you want reiser then use knx-hdinstall.

    2nd_GRUB :
    I don't currently use grub nor do I use win boot loaders. While I won't attempt to dissuade you from using grub I would like to mention that installing lilo is almost automatic. If you already have win installed it will add it to your menu selection where you can choose either Linux or windows to boot from.

  3. #3

    that was fast!!

    Hy rickenbacherus
    Your swap is fine and if already formatted as swap then yes the installer will recognize this.
    Yep it is already formatted indeed..... sorry i've omitted to write it coz i tought there was no need to write "swap" beside LinuxSwap.... Anyway thanks for the info.

    Igghibù ZwfanDir wrote:

    Here it goes my configuration :

    /dev/hda1....../mnt/win_C:\.......10Gb....NTFS...."OS" + appz
    /dev/hda6...../mnt/win_G:\...........5Gb...FAT32...Games..(just in case)

    /dev/hda8....../boot...................70Mb....ext3 -J

    I've got doubts,mainly,about two things:
    31G for Knoppix? Well it's more than enough. You can use it as is no problem BUT i would suggest you partition your disc into smaller sections. A minimum of 3G is needed for Knoppix. You then can easily copy any of the directories under / to another partition. This gives you an easily re-sized filesystem.
    That's exactely why i asked about it dude :P (even becouse when i'll be ready to switch to Gentoo i'll not have to start all over again,or should i reformat and reinstall anyway???) but i have a doubt... can i make more logical partition??? i mean i'm already at hda9 ... Thx.

    Just in case the answer it will,ipotetically,be: "No you can't do more logical partitions couse the maxi level as been reached" ,how should i behave??? should i repartition my HD with :

    hda1 hda5 hda6 as they are
    plus hda2 ??? <<if so:where should i place the rest??? shouild i leave them (hda7 hda8 hda9) as they are?? and how to make them "comunicate" ?

    Just a guess ,completely "invented" on suppositions:

    hda1 when boot reads and communicate with just hda5 and hda6 (and this already happens by "default" )
    hda2 when boot reads and communicate with all but hda1. (where hda2 it could be,for example,the / partition )

    If it's right :howto????
    If it's not right: howto/where to put all the linux needed partitions??? (please use a /dev/hdax whtvr whtvr FS whtvr Gb/Mb outline please).

    Not exactly no. Everything on hdd install is under / which is standard for *nix.
    In this case i've done a mistake: coz i tought that / stands for root
    IT IS NOT /root THEN...... IT'S *nix (i'll change it in my first post for nxt ppl who'll read this thread.)

    So my question should have been like this:

    b] Will it mount the directories (read as:all the structure),as i see them when i use form the liveCD, in the / partition ??? if yes:[now i know it is correct] can i change that later??? and we saw that is possible in repartitionning the HD and chosing where to install what.
    c] Once i'm done with the install,will i be able to remove or add any packets i want/want not??? [(if i'm not wrong in the "new method mode" (knoppix installer) someone said the it would be easier with this last method) or i don't have to worry much about it? ]
    knoppix-installer offers you the advantage of being able to immediately add your own user name during install. Additionally you have the choice of a "knoppix-loke" install which is booting the compressed fiel system from hdd just like it were from cd. The 'Debian' type install is what you want if you wish to add and remove packages.

    knx-hdinstall has neither of the above features but does allow you to select your filesystem type. If you want reiser then use knx-hdinstall.
    Here it goes again the question that helds the major doubts : "which method???? "

    I'll go for importance of of things:

    Yes i want to use ReiserFS. so i see no aother way but knx-hdinstall.

    and when you say that it has neither of the above features,do you mean just during installation?? (which i guess yep u do)

    i mean i don't care if i can (read as: i'll be able to) remove/add things + change [the user name/root password/su account] [u]after all the installation thing will be done[/b]...(read as: once i'll have the OS working on HD) that could even be more instructive to understand a lot about the system.

    I wouldn't be able to use the "Debian type installer" for i'm a noob who needs practice beside readings.

    Just incase all the answers for these abovementioned questions (about knx-hdinstall) will are negative i'll gather more infoes about the knoppix installer thing.

    Now it's time to go to work folks..... i'll add things to this post later (or i'll make a new one) coz i'm going to be late otherwiise.

    Igghibù ZwfanDir.

  4. #4
    Hy folks

    i tried out a couple of things to repartition my HD using the Mandrake9.2 graphical "partitoner" (sorry i'm not english) to see if i could add more logic parts... and i found ot that i can. I had doubts about it becouse i red somewhere in the web that the limit for partitions is 3 primary+ 1 extended with a max of 4 logical ones in it. It might have been a bit old document.

    The actaual situation is:

    /dev/hda1....../mnt/win_C:\.......10Gb....NTFS...."OS" + appz

    /dev/hda6......LinuxSwap...........512Mb...Linux swap
    /dev/hda7....../boot...................70Mb....ext3 -J

    31G for Knoppix? Well it's more than enough. You can use it as is no problem BUT i would suggest you partition your disc into smaller sections. A minimum of 3G is needed for Knoppix. You then can easily copy any of the directories under / to another partition. This gives you an easily re-sized filesystem.
    I'd like to do that but i actually dunnov how many Gb should have this or that partition??? how do i subdivide them ???? PLEAZ & THX.
    (or in alternative: could you indicate me somewhere to read about it plea??)

    For the GRUB thing i just edited it with

    timeout 0

    title Knoppix
    root (hd0,8.) <<<just a guess for now)
    kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.4.20-devfs-ntfs-2.1.3 <<<<???
    initrd /boot/miniwody1.gz <<<<???

    so instead of loading another choice between the two OSes in GRUB it just loads Knoppix

    and i'll have only one choice here:

    [boot loader]
    default=signature(ee821feb)disk(0)rdisk(0)partitio n(1)\WINDOWS
    [operating systems]
    signature(ee821feb)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WIN DOWS="Micro$ucks Ics Pee" /fastdetect
    c:\boot\stage1="GNU/Linux Knoppix 3.3"

    BUT i still have doubts about the kernel and intrid commands.
    For the kernel version i've been looking these folders here ,but i'm more confused than b4.... which one should i put??? (if they are the right folders to look for such a thing) and what does -devfs-ntfs-2.1.3 stand for??? i didn't see it on the GRUB manual yet... PLEAZ Help me.

    for the intrid command whic *.gz should i put there??

    Merry X-smaks

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