I have a compaq armada 4220T. It is a fairly old laptop with a 4Gb hdd and 48Mb RAM.
I would like to install Knoppix on it but it doesnt have an internal cdrom. The only cdrom i have for it is a parallel port cdrom. It cant be booted from and there's no bios control interface(dont know what its called) installed on this laptop.
It there someway to make a boot floppy that will be able to lauch the knoppix installation from the parallel port cdrom?
If not, is there some other way to do it?

Also i have a pcmcia modem which works in windows.
This is listed as "PCMCIA 56k V.90 Fax Modem" in the device manager.
Are there any drivers for linux for modems such as this?
If not is it possible to use knoppix's ability to read the windows partition to get the modem to work?

NB. the windows installed on it is win98.