
I am entirely new to Knoppix and also to computer world (belong to 3rd world country, live in a village and got access to first computer some 7 months ago).

I have the following question:

1) Should I need to learn all the Linux Commands (i.e. how to use Shells, which seem to be equal to MSDOS in Windows. Well, I am also new to windows too and never used MS Dos)

Or KDE provides the oppotunity to forget about these commands (just like in windows, we don't need to use MS Dos anymore)

2) Is there any online book available, which is specially on Knoppix?

I have seen in other threads that people reffered to Blue Moon BOOK for learning LINUX.

But problem is this that in my country, we don't have credit cards, or such bookstores where we can buy such English Books (atleast not in the village that I am residing), which are also extremely expensive according to our standards even if they cost only 24 US Dollars for you.

(Let me also tell you that in my village, there are only handful of people who can read and write. I am running a small school at my own (attended by 79 children, and at moment I am the only teacher available.

We will soon get some assistance in form of 4 old PCs. We cannot afford MS for our PCs, and ultimately I decided to introduce Linux to my students.

I feel I am lucky to get hands at Knoppix CD as first Linux software, with which I can do atleast the basic tasks without any problem (like using Office packages, and surfing the web).


So, now I have another question:

Can I install the latest version of Acrobat Reader 6, (even by using the Knoppix CD)? I have read somewhere that we can install up to 200MB softwares even using this CD, and don't need to install it on Hard Disk for this purpose.

But I tried it and failed.

Knoppix automatically opened "Ark" for this and it was showing 6-7 files in it. I extracted all those files on the Desktop, but don't know what happened then. And I also got no Icon of Acrobat Reader 6 on Desktop.

So, I wanted to ask if I have done anything wrong by trying to install this by running ARK? Should I use "kpackages"/"Rootshell" in order to extract it (I have read about them in another thread)?

Can I find any online documentation of how to download and install things in Linux?

Sorry for so many silly questions. But as an entirely new person in the world of computers, even these silly type of questions are nightmare to me.
