Hey I've got this Idea,

why couldn't we ask Mr. Knoppor to split the "/KNOPPIX/KNOPPIX" image file in the CD-ROM into 3 different image file as list follow:

Image file1. : contains the boot kernel + X and sound servers, and will selectively load the required files into a ramdisk after hardware detection.

Image file2. : contains the good old commmand utilities and man pages that will never be needed to be modify again.

Image file3. : contains applications, which could be different for anybody (KDE, GNOME, Mozilla, OpenOffice and many many more.. Java.. developer tools)

and while booting, it (this new knoppix) will selective load the required X and sound servers from image file 1, and the 2nd image file into a ramdisk 1st, then prompt the user to load the image file 3 from the same CD or allow the use to insert a CD disc 2, which only contains another file 3, with a totally different set of applications.

by doing this, we could spare the job of recompiling a kernel, re-packing un-modifily files and different applications into 3 jobs..

so on the one hand, the main Knoppix could reduce their frequency of release, e.g. once half year.

while on the other hand, everyone could re-compile their own favor application CDs (containing only the compressed image file 3 on a non bootable disc2) + 100MB larger (since we didn't need spaces for the kernel and X and sound drivers anymore)

which would allow engineers, educators, programmers, businessman, home user all have their different package by using the same boot disc 1, and build their own disc 2 with out worrying about the CD won't boot, X doesn't start, there is no Sound, couldn't read file on XX file system etc..

I guess this could be great, what do you guys think ?

but he might have to modify the cloop module.

best regards,

Charles Fan