Quote Originally Posted by massai
This whole upgrade process is a bitch (forgive the expression). If I wanted Debian, I should have gotten Debian in the first place and be done with it. (However, the learning experience from this silly knoppix-to-debian exercise is the only good asset and it compensates for the effort.... or at least I hope so...)
Definitely gets you knowing the system at the very least and Debian is worth the effort most things just work like they should. A couple of programs you should look at installing just in case they don't are apt-listchanges and apt-listbugs which show you a screen for each during your upgrading that lists the changes and bugs with the packges, the list bugs one can be misleading sometimes so it is always a good idea to go to http://bugs.debian.org and check the reports some people seem to add a comment to bugs that are months old and get them back into the system most times though it is just change logs that you get to see. You may want to go to http://lists.debian.org and subscribe to the debian-security-announce mailing list as well so you get notified anytime a new package comes out due to a problem you might if you not mind about 200-250 emails a day want to try debian-user although you might want to use a newsreader to check it out there's lots of good information on that list.