We are getting ready to launch a new website targeted at promoting the Linux Desktop and the companies/projects creating it. We have had conversations with a few of the Linux Desktop distributions and already have a few on board.

The intention . . . a single central location where people can go to find information about ANY GUI centric (Desktop) Linux distro. Over the years one of the biggest frustrations I have seen, heard and felt with the "quest for the perfect Linux desktop" is how do you know where to find them? Which one do I go to? Where do I look? Distrowatch has done some to help this, but IMHO dos not cover it well enough for the desktop, and the general user, specifically the new user.

The site . . . http://GUILinux.com. It is intended to be an introduction and showcase for Desktop Linux distros. One place where the users can go and get quick real info on ALL GUI distros, not just the ones that you or I might think are good.

Each distro will have it's own area on the site that they control the content on. The level of control that the distros will have on their site will be about 98% of the function that a standard Nuke type site would have. I am looking for two members from each community to help admin their part of the site.

The front page will be mostly for reviews that the distros ask to be posted there as well as their page, and for links, news and information on and about the Linux Desktop.

The sites intention is to get past much of the "them against us" that's going on these days with the Desktop distros, by bringing them all together and giving them all equal billing. It's all about letting the user decide for themselves. The benefit to each distro is further exposure to potential users and customers, whom you may not reach otherwise.

We are NOT trying to replace anybody's website, forums or hijack their communities, rather this is where users will be introduced to the distros, the website and communities. We think it will help users cut through much of the “hype” that is surrounding the Linux Desktop these days, and help them find the distro that fits their needs best.

What's in it for us?
1.It's a continuation of our long standing commitment to the open source movement.
2.We have a business interest in seeing the Linux Desktop become a real alternative to the Microsoft desktop, as many of use do. This is one area in which we feel we can help.

If you are willing to take up the admin job for a GUI Distro, we would love to have you involved. Content is really up to the admins, hoping they will add content that will interest people in their chosen Distro.

We are hoping to officially launch on Monday January 19th 2004.

You can contact me by email at volunteer@guilinux.com.

Thank you