The subject device has always worked great under Knoppix, but I always need to run the following script to get it on line:

modprobe prism2_usb prism2_doreset=1
wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_ifstate ifstate=enable
wlanctl-ng wlan0 lnxreq_autojoin ssid=linksys authtype=opensystem
ifconfig wlan0

The system prompts with the question, "Use DHCP broadcast?" and when I click "Yes" everything is fine. I guess the good news is I do not need to unplug and then replug the device into the USB connection for this to work on this dual boot desktop (XP and Linux).

What can I do to automate this good routine, including the "Yes" click on Knoppix boot and also avoid the delay in Knoppix boot that occurs because the "prism2mgmt_start" routine always fails.

Best Regards