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Thread: Adding applications to Knoppix DVD

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Adding applications to Knoppix DVD

    ok. I downloaded a cd ISO image of knoppix. I didn't have any blank cd's but I only had blank DVD's. So i burned the image to the DVD, and booted and it worked perfectly. My question is, is it possible to add applications to this, as is it's only using 700 MB when i can fill up 4 gigs more. I would like to fill up the remaining space of 4 GB with programs, and get them to work, and become installed with the O/S when i boot. If anyone has any ideas or coments please post!

  2. #2
    Junior Member registered user
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    See this URL (there is one ISO DVD for Knoppix):

    but, if you want to create another one...

  3. #3
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    file systems

    No, I have seen that page, and I do intend on purchasing that dvd. However, what I'm wondering is. I'm on a XP machine. I burned the cd ISO image to a DVD and it worked fine. But I'm wondering how I can add files to that dvd so i can take them with me (*.mp3, *.avi, etc) or actual linux applications that will go on there. The problem that I ran into when i tried to add them isthe file system difference between the two of them. I know for sure that I'm using NTFS 5.0, and I'm not to sure about the file system used on Knoppix exactly. But ultimatly what I want is to edit the ISO image to add these files/apps so I can access them from the dvd from within knoppix. i feel that for an O/S 4 GB on a DVD is quite a lot of room that needs to be filled up. Ultimatly that is my main question, is how to add files to a CD ISO image that i will plan on burning to a DVD with the differences of file systems.

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    Jul 2004
    Because the Knoppix system utilizes "on the fly" decoding using a special "loop" device called "cloop", it seems that all added material must be loaded via "cloop" encoding devices. Thus, one cannot mix system OSes, except if the DVD be partitioned to allow boot on other OSes.

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