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Thread: klik: point-and-klik software store for Knoppix

  1. #21
    Senior Member registered user
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    Quote Originally Posted by gowator
    This is VERY COOL!!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by gowator
    I know its still in devel but how about dividing tested/untested packages ??
    That is already the case. All packages currently are tested with KNOPPIX_V3.3-2003-11-14 (even if they don't state that yet). I am working on more packages but these are not yet visible on the homepage.

    Quote Originally Posted by gowator
    How about an upload for packaged Deb's.... could we all contribute somehow by uploading any Debs into a testing area???
    klik is not limited to .deb, it currently uses all kinds of archives and formats, fetching software that is already lying around the web. The klik homepage stores *no* actual software packages, just so-called "klik recipes" (scripts that tell the klik client how to install a app into a specific version of Knoppix). The main effort will be the creation of these "recipes". I am currently developing more or less standardized templates for these, but it will always require time and knowledge to create these "recipes". Your help on that will be greatly appreciated once the format is tested and reliable templates exist.

    Quote Originally Posted by gowator
    Thanks again!

  2. #22
    Senior Member registered user
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    Piraeus / Hellas
    Dear probono,

    congratulation for your exalent work !!!

    Whare can find / download this program ???

    Best Regards
    Mike Kranidis

  3. #23
    Senior Member registered user
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    Quote Originally Posted by mikekgr
    Whare can find / download this program ???

    In order to install the klik client, run KNOPPIX_V3.3-2003-11-14, press Alt-F2 and enter:
    wget -O -|sh
    The klik client then opens a window where you can point-and-klik to install the software packages.

  4. #24
    Junior Member registered user
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    I don not think that it s a great idea to create a repository to archive outdated software packages to avoid breaking Knoppix dependencies.

    Its hard to communicate that, to get webspace and bandwith for free.
    And it would need a lot.

    It would be better to create "virtual support groups" to update the recipes itself.

    Just my two cent.

    Besides that, its great, and I really would like to see the receipe for the "deCSS" files that are always missing in distribitions through to legal reasons.

    Do you think it would be legal to provode the receipts, not the files itself?


  5. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by janmartin3
    I don not think that it s a great idea to create a repository to archive outdated software packages to avoid breaking Knoppix dependencies. (...) It would be better to create "virtual support groups" to update the recipes itself.
    It all depends on how active people turn out to be in creating and maintaining(!) recipes once that will be possible. Personally I am unable to update them all two days or so. But perhaps we can parse sites like or in the recipes so that the packages are tracked down automatically.

    Quote Originally Posted by janmartin3
    "deCSS" (...) Do you think it would be legal to provode the receipts, not the files itself?
    First of all, I am not a lawyer. Additionally, the legal situation of deCSS is likely to be different depending on the country. But if linking to deCSS is legal, I see no reason why embedding the link (or even a search engine request for the file) in the "klik recipe" wouldn't.

  6. #26
    Senior Member registered user
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    Paris, France


    Sorry probono, Im at work on XP :UGGH
    So I can't try it out.... Im just sat here waiting till hometime

    I can't get internet access from anything except explorer here becuase of the way the proxy server is set-up.... So I can brwose my LAN from knoppix, synch my palm etc. (onto USB) but no Internet


    The linking sounds great, instead of holding anything even cooler, this allows I guess dvdcss etc as janmartin3 asks....

    Im new to the deb world and apt is a big challenge...
    (more what to do when deps go wrong... I wrecked my 1st install trying to force k3b >10)

    On the same theme - some other license specific stuff could be added like qmail.... this is not officially deb becuase its source only distribution, its just a policy difference between the programmer and Debian.... but the debs are available elsewhere

    Also the new NVIDIA driver is 'just' released (which I ain't tried yet)

    Perhaps some of these 'tricky' installs would be perfect candidates get get some momentum going....

    Your right, this depends 100% on the community....

    IMHO you shouldn't handle Morphix et al because its up to them to write in compatibility. However one exciting area would be a USB stick install that use click to get all the packages that won't fit on a 64MB or 128MB dongle ???

    Once AGAIN.... this REALLY is cool.....
    I'm not against the Debian philosophy at all BUT it needs to be a philosophy of many.... Im now realsising how much superior Debian is to RH derived distro's.... and I guess it all goes back to a stable base....

    To my mind knoppix is a great fork from this base and then gnoppix/morphix et al are forks from this......
    Just as knoppix needs to maintain deb compatibility then so do these need to maintain knoppix compatibility.

    The way to do this is getting it integrated into the regular 3.4 (if you still have time)

  7. #27
    Senior Member registered user
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    Some details

    I have uploaded some information about the general design and architecture of the klik system:

    Now, let's work out the details together

  8. #28
    Senior Member registered user
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    Re: Ooops

    Quote Originally Posted by gowator
    Once AGAIN.... this REALLY is cool.....
    I'm not against the Debian philosophy at all BUT it needs to be a philosophy of many.... Im now realsising how much superior Debian is to RH derived distro's.... and I guess it all goes back to a stable base....
    I'm also not against the debian philosophy and and apt. It delivers a solid base system that serves as the foundation on top of which we can install additional (also non-free) software (using "dirty tricks" where needed). I would go a radical "hands-on" approach here. Nothing is to tricky as long as it works...

  9. #29
    Senior Member registered user
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    Re: Some details

    Quote Originally Posted by probono
    I have uploaded some information about the general design and architecture of the klik system:

    Now, let's work out the details together
    Very good. As you get the time, go ahead and post some more info on klik's underpinnings as well as some code examples and I think we will all be willing to help.

    Thanks again,


  10. #30
    Senior Member registered user
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    Long Island, NY, USA
    Wow, ProBono, nice system - it works great!

    The only problem I had was I tried klik on a knoppix-installed as debian 20031119 PC and could not get the install program to work under ctrl-alt-F2. So, I logged-in as one of my users and tried knoppix-rootshell. Now everything works but everything is installed under the root dir.

    Good Job,

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