
we are using Knoppix to demonstrate Linux to new users and to rescue (mostly Windows) PCs from data loss and crashes. One thing that bugs me is that especially on TFT flat displays, the default fonts look HORRIBLE.

I would suggest installing the Debian package "ttf-bitstream-vera" by default and using the Bitstream Vera Sans / Sans Mono fonts in KDE by default for all applications. They look much better than the default fonts that Knoppix uses now (FWIW, they look much better than what ships with XFree86 and even better than what SuSE uses by default).

The fonts are licensed for free redistribution (as long as they are not sold on their own) and allow derivative works. Copyright is available at http://www.gnome.org/fonts/. They are somewhat similar to what Microsoft uses (Tahoma, Verdana, etc).

Font demos are available at http://www.bitstream.com/categories/...ts/fonts/vera/.
