Hello, all!

I have been fascinated with Linux for three or so years. I never really wanted to sacrifice my everyday online system to try it out, though. I attempted an install of a distro said to work on old 486 machines, on one of my working ones. It never did work, so I gave up on my Linux obsession.

A few weeks ago, I was watching Tech TV, and heard them talk about a live CD version of Linux, called PHLAK. I was curious, and downloaded it. I was relatively impressed. I saw it was based on Morphix. I downloaded the Gnome version of that, too. I was more impressed. I downloaded the KDE version and was amazed.

I'll bet you see where this is going. Yup, I saw Morphix was based on Knoppix, and got that, too. I absolutely love it! This is the prettiest, most full-featured live CD I never thought possible. Congratulations, Knoppix team.

I see a full install of Debian on a new PC soon.

One question, what would be the advantages of moving up another rung to full-blown Debian, rather than just doing a HD install of Knoppix?

Thanks again, for a truly amazing CD.