Hi all,

I told my college I would make them a live cd for some programing cources. I would like to remaster some existing live-cd as a start point.

Here is what I see as a final product:
* PIII usable
* work with 128 MB of ram
* boot time less then a minute (eben if no fuky hw will not be automaggically found), at leats dhcp+mouse+drives+video needs to be found.
* save home dir in usb disk
* graphical boot splash (no text at all if possible, see pclinuxos for example)
* 2.6 based is better, since most of my box is not supported on 24 (usb + sound
* 650MB iso
* installer
* single theme with gtk/qt/mozilla/xmms/mplayer/whatever apps
* nvidia+ati drivers
* flash, acroread (propiraty, "free"/non_gpl software is cool by me)
* c++ ide (kdevelop) + kde includes
* if i have place, java + ide

Binaries distros are preferable, I hate compiling myself. Specially for this project

It looks like slax is what I am looking for (after I add some stuff to it it's too damm naked) but pclinux os looks very good (damm slow boot time and memory needs tough). OTOH it's a knopix forum no?

I will not comprimize aobut memory needs. Many people have 128 MB still, and it's acceptable. other things may come and go.

I would like to hear what you think.