Hi guyz. I got some problemz. [ !NEWBIE! ]

problem 1: I got onboard sound Realtek AC'97. doesn't work, of corz. It worked when knoppix booted from cd. but now i have knoppix on hd and my sound doesnt work. get message something like dev/dsp doesnt xist or sthn. Someone said to run alsa-autoconfig but there's no file with such or similar name.

problem 2: cannot add printer. Simply add printer item is grayish and unclickable. what da heck???

problem 3: after mounting win partitionz (ntfs), i don't get all filez and dirz!!! i think that i miss dirz named with charz like ?????ýáíéäúô???? and so on.
what da heck???

problem 4: pci modem... ESS ES56T-PI Data Fax Modem. I Press Query modem. I get > Initializing modem, modem ready... Then I get some ATsomething and empty linez next2it. Of corz, connection doesn't work.

thx 4 help