Hy, I have an idea which became from my special situation.

I have Enterprise laptop with a lot of polices, being permanently scaned so i cant normally install anything. However i need sometimes to run some tools.

I imagined that the best way will be to buy USB connected HD(120 baraccuda) and make it fully transportable device.

I have now HD which I can plug in enywhere I want (especially to my HW) but it is still only HD.

My Idea was to make HW boot from iso laing on my Barracuda (and with full service of NTFS-unfortunately).

Is it possble to do that with Knoppix 3.4/ I ride, it will have full service of NTFS and as Pronobo wrote , the idea of pure iso non-installed knoppix from HD could be included too?

Do aybody has any idea?