Complete newbie to linux here. I have a DELL Latitude laptop (C540 I think, if you're interested). I recently installed Knoppix to my HDD (I know, now it's Debian, not Knoppix) using knoppix-installer. Works fine. I have an external firewire HDD which works fine too, now that I'm using that rescan script. My problem is that because my laptop DOESN'T have a floppy drive, anytime I try to switch to /mnt/exthdd in an app's "open file" dialog box, after typing in "/mnt", my computer freezes for 5 to 10 minutes. A little investigation reveals that it's trying to see what's on my non-existent floppy drive. If I do 'ls /mnt', I see 'floppy' there in the list. So my question is how can I remove my floppy, so that linux won't look for it anymore?

Before posting this, I googled for solutions for this for a few hours. All I found was someone else who had the same problem, but no solutions. Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,
