Hi Guys,

I have a slight problem with remastering a KNOPPIX-CD to a DVD;

My Problem is this:

I have to remaster KNOPPIX for my university, and they want certain licensed software installed;

so far, so good, I did a HD-install of KNOPPIX, removed some software (ie. most of the servers and games), installed/compiled the needed software, copied the whole data to a new partition and made a compressed image as described in the HOWTO (mkisofs -V ...).

To test ist, I put the image in a 'KNOPPIX' directory on one of my partitions, booted from the original boot-disk.

The linuxrc finds the image, mounts it, but then it does an e2fsck on the root filesystem (AFAIK the miniroot.gz) and tells me, it's not ext2 or something (already seen somewhere else in the forum).

Are there any MUST-BE packages (except cloop), or is there anything special to consider when making the image?