Quote Originally Posted by ruymbeke
Hello, I am new in this forum, and I am not sure this the right place to post bug fix and new features requests for the 3.4 CVS (futur 3.4 release). Anyway ...

1) I found that the default font used by the terminal window is not good for mc (Midnight Commander). Squares are used instead of the nice lines.
Changing the font solves the problem. Would be good to change the default.

2) Since new Network Cards are used by new computer, and supported by other linux kernel why not add support for these in Knoppix ? In my case, I am especially interested into the Realtek 8169 Gigabit adapter.

Hope this will be useful to someone...
Thanks, Gilles
1. you most likely found a bug in KDE CVS (not knoppix itself) which is not strange, cuz CVS means even worse than beta or alpha... dont use this to try linux or knoppix, only to check the current state of the development tree of KDE.

2. maybe the new knoppix release 3.4 will support your card. if not, you might ask again, or try to find out how to get support for this card, and tell the dev's so they can easilly add your solution.