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Thread: HOWTO: Nvidia drivers after hard drive install

  1. #1
    Member registered user
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    HOWTO: Nvidia drivers after hard drive install

    I'm not quite sure where this belongs so I'm posting it here for now and the mods can move it around where they see fit.


    If you're wondering about my system configuration and etc. you should check out my previous two threads:
    One new user's comments
    Switch to Debian stable for KDE3.1

    The following info is just a regurgitation of Nvidia's own help file on the subject but I've made it a bit easier to follow for a newbie (I hope) and have tailored the instructions for someone who has done a Knoppix hard drive install. You can find the original help file I used here:

    It is assumed you're using the KDE Konsole and logged on as root when executing commands.

    Step 1: Get the sources

    Nvidia is kind enough to offer official unified kernel and X drivers so that you can take advantage of the hardware acceleration features of your TNT, GeForce, etc. Unfortunately, no .debs are offered as of yet so you'll have to compile the source yourself. I know this sounds threatening to linux newbies (I know it did to me) but it's actually quite pain free.

    Some would suggest that you use apt-get to download the source files, but in my case this didn't work (no makefiles were included!). Instead, I'd recommend getting the latest driver builds here:

    There are about 100 different variations of the same two files on this page, most of them for different RedHat installations. The files we need, however, are the GLX Tar File (should be named NVIDIA_GLX-[version number].tar.gz) and the Kernel Tar File (should be named NVIDIA_kernel-[version number].tar.gz).

    For example, I downloaded the version 1.0-4191 drivers so the files would be NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-4191.tar.gz and NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-4191.tar.gz.

    Download the two files to the /usr/src directory.

    Step 2: Unpacking

    Open up a shell using the KDE program Konsole (found in the K-Menu or on the taskbar by default) and navigate to the /usr/src directory with the command:

    cd /usr/src
    Next you want to unpack each of the files that were downloaded. To do this, type the following into the command line:

    tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX-[version number].tar.gz
    tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel-[version number].tar.gz
    Using the example files I gave above, the exact commands would be:

    tar xvzf NVIDIA_GLX-1.0-4191.tar.gz
    tar xvzf NVIDIA_kernel-1.0-4191.tar.gz
    Now the sources will be unpacked into subdirectories and ready to be compiled.

    Keep that Konsole open, though, because we'll be using it for the rest of the installation.

    Step 3: Setting the CC enviroment variable

    This is where it gets interesting. I found, like many others, that my default version of gcc was 3.2 instead of 2.95 (which the kernel was compiled with). Why this makes a difference is a matter of technical mumbo jumbo but suffice it to say we have to change it back for this shell session. Don't worry, though, it's really easy. Just type in:

    export CC=/usr/bin/gcc-2.95
    Now when we run the make install on the next step we won't get any compiler warnings!

    Step 4: make install

    Move into the first subdirectory that was created back in Step 2 with the command:

    cd /usr/src/NVIDIA_GLX-[version number]
    Now just type:

    make install
    This will automatically compile and install the GLX module!

    Move into the other directory we made with Step 2 with the command:

    cd /usr/src/NVIDIA_kernel-[version number]
    Now type:

    make install
    This will automatically compile and install the kernel module! We're not done yet, though...

    Step 5: Editing configuration files

    This is always my favorite part of working with linux

    At the command line type in:

    kate etc/X11/XF86Config-4
    This should open up a nice friendly KDE text editor for us to work in. Look for the section called Section "Device" and then change the line that says Driver "nv" to instead read Driver "nvidia".

    Okay. Now find the section called Section "Module". We want to remove the following two lines:

    Load "dri"
    Load "GLcore"

    and add this line, if it's not already present:

    Load "glx"

    When you're done with that you can save the file and close kate. The Konsole command line should still be open, though.

    Step 6: Final alterations

    You'll probably need to edit one or two files more on your system before you get X to function correctly. Type:

    kate /etc/modules.conf
    Add the line following line to the file if it's not already present:

    alias char-major-195 nvidia

    Save and close the file. Then, back in the command shell, type:

    kate /etc/modutils/aliases
    Add that same line to this file as well if it's not already there:

    alias char-major-195 nvidia

    Save this file and close it.

    You can now close the shell, shutdown X, and restart your system.

    Voila! You're done!


    This worked for me! Post any questions or corrections in this thread.

    Hope this helps someone out there...

  2. #2
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2003
    you are a wonderful, wonderful man. I am planning on setting up the new drivers for myself this weekend. Now I have something to help me....

  3. #3
    Senior Member registered user
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    Nov 2002

    Job well done! This is just the kind of thing that we need a - giving a well detailed solution to questions that commonly come up. I want to encourage others to follow your example. If enough people would post well written howto's, it would greatly aid the rest of the knoppix community. Some of you might think that things like this are well documented elsewhere, and this is true, but it's helpful for to have a single repository of information.

    The best place to post this is in the Docs section. Yes you can edit those documents just click on the edit button at the bottom of the page. If people want to add their, howto's and then make an announcement about it in 'The Lounge', I think that would be great.

    Robelantor, maybe we'll see if any feedback comes in and then you could create a section under the Knoppix docs and add this. Since it's turnned up as a commond question on the forums, I know that a lot of people would appreciate it. Again, good job.

  4. #4
    Senior Member registered user
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    rob... quick question... does your card now support the TV out funtion with the new drivers?

  5. #5
    Member registered user
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    Milwaukee, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by aay
    The best place to post this is in the Docs section. Yes you can edit those documents just click on the edit button at the bottom of the page. If people want to add their, howto's and then make an announcement about it in 'The Lounge', I think that would be great.
    As soon as a bit of feedback comes in on this I (or someone else) can look into adding this page to the Docs section. Thanks!

  6. #6
    Member registered user
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    Milwaukee, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by god
    rob... quick question... does your card now support the TV out funtion with the new drivers?
    Supposedly so... From the latest driver readme:
    These drivers provide optimized hardware acceleration of OpenGL
    applications via a direct-rendering X Server and support nearly all
    NVIDIA graphics chips (please see APPENDIX A for a complete list of
    supported chips). TwinView, TV-Out and flat panel displays are also
    From the same file, here's how to configure it:
    NVIDIA GPU-based video cards with a TV-Out (S-Video) connector can be
    employed to use a television as another display device, just like a CRT
    or digital flat panel. The TV can be used by itself, or (on appropriate
    video cards) in conjunction with another display device in a TwinView

    If a TV is the only display device connected to your video card, it will
    be used as the primary display when you boot your system (ie the console
    will come up on the TV just as if it were a CRT). To use your TV with X,
    there are a few parameters that you should pay special attention to in
    your XF86Config file:

    o The VertRefresh and HorizSync values in your monitor section;
    please make sure these are appropriate for your television.
    Values are generally:

    HorizSync 30-50
    VertRefresh 60

    o The Modes in your screen section; the valid modes for your TV encoder
    will be reported in a verbose XFree86.0.log file (generated with
    `startx -- -logverbose 5`) when X is run on a TV. Some modes may
    be limited to certain TV Standards; if that is the case, it will
    be noted in the XFree86.0.log file. Generally, atleast 800x600 and
    640x480 are supported.

    o The "TVStandard" option should be added to your screen section; valid
    values are:

    "PAL-B" : used in Belgium, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Guinea,
    Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, The
    Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Singapore, Spain,
    Sweden, and Switzerland
    "PAL-D" : used in China and North Korea
    "PAL-G" : used in Denmark, Finland, Germany, Italy, Malaysia,
    The Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden,
    and Switzerland
    "PAL-H" : used in Belgium
    "PAL-I" : used in Hong Kong and The United Kingdom
    "PAL-K1" : used in Guinea
    "PAL-M" : used in Brazil
    "PAL-N" : used in France, Paraguay, and Uruguay
    "PAL-NC" : used in Argentina
    "NTSC-J" : used in Japan
    "NTSC-M" : used in Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador,
    Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Puerto Rico, South
    Korea, Taiwan, United States of America, and Venezuela

    The line in your XF86Config file should be something like:

    Option "TVStandard" "NTSC-M"

    If you don't specify a TVStandard, or you specify an invalid value,
    the default "NTSC-M" will be used. Note: if your country is not in
    the above list, select the country closest to your location.

    o The "ConnectedMonitor" option can be used to tell X to use the TV for
    display. This should only be needed if your TV is not detected by
    the video card, or you use a CRT (or digital flat panel) as your
    boot display, but want to redirect X to use the TV. The line in
    your config file should be:

    Option "ConnectedMonitor" "TV"

    o The "TVOutFormat" option can be used to force SVIDEO or COMPOSITE
    output. Without this option the driver autodetects the output format.
    Unfortunately, it doesn't always do this correctly. The output format
    can be forced with the options:

    Option "TVOutFormat" "SVIDEO"


    Option "TVOutFormat" "COMPOSITE"
    I haven't tested this to see if it works (I've lost my little RCA adapter cable thingee) but I'd be interested to know whether or not it does if you try it.

  7. #7
    Senior Member registered user
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    *eyes shift left*
    *eyes shift right*
    Psst--- the file is /etc/modutils/aliases
    *fades into the darkness*

  8. #8
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2003
    we will find out about the card soon enough... kernel ready, LETS GO!!!!

  9. #9
    Senior Member registered user
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    Feb 2003
    i ran make on the new kernel, followed the directions (even added a couple of my own--back up every file before editing it)
    the screen is MUCH clearer, BUT

    my usb Dell logitech wheelmouse does not work anymore. Any ideas what went wrong? what to fix?

  10. #10
    Member registered user
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    Milwaukee, WI
    Quote Originally Posted by god
    Psst--- the file is /etc/modutils/aliases
    Edited. Thanks!

    Quote Originally Posted by god
    my usb Dell logitech wheelmouse does not work anymore. Any ideas what went wrong? what to fix?
    That is strange. I'm using a generic USB wheelmouse myself. Does the mouse work and the wheel is non-functional or is the whole damned thing not working?

    It sounds like you might have accidentally deleted part of your XF86Config file, specifically Section "InputDevice".

    Here's a copy of mine for reference:
    Section "InputDevice"
    Identifier "USB Mouse"
    Driver "mouse"
    Option "Device" "/dev/input/mice"
    Option "SendCoreEvents" "true"
    Option "Protocol" "IMPS/2"
    Option "ZAxisMapping" "4 5"
    Option "Buttons" "5"
    Check that out.

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