Hullo all,

Installed wonnerful knoppix to my hd (taking over the whole drive btw) and proceeded to follow the simple instructions in the wonnerful docs section re installing Gnome .

Seemed to work fine except for a couple of small but niggling things:

1) the window title font is all, uh, kablooey. looks like crap, as if the anti-aliasing doesn't work for that. went into the font preferences section and found that while i could change the setting for application font, desktop font and terminal font, the drop-down menu for 'window title font' is unavailable (it's whited-out if that makes sense).

2) no icons on my desktop for floppy disk, knoppix folder, cd-rom, or hard disk partition. or, more specifically, those items are are represented by a generic gnome footprint thing. the icons for my home folder, trash and 'link to old desktop' look just fine, however. right-clicked the generic icons to try to select a custom icon (i eventually found myself in /usr/share/pixmaps), but there's nothing available lookin like a folder or a cd. is it a matter of downloading some generic gnome icons from somewhere (and why weren't they included in the gnome-core i wonder)??

sorry for the noobitity, but i've searched this forum, and i couldn't find anything related. also tried the gdm configurator too, but nuthin in there. i'm hoping someone knows of an easy fix for these issues?

many thanks