Just for everybodys info, I thought I would let you know that the 3com (3CRWE754G72-A) card does work with Knoppix 3.3 hard drive install. Which is nice as it's a 11g standard!!

The way I got it working was as follows...

1. Start up Knoppix with out card in
2. Open up shell and su to root
3. Type 'tail -f /var/log/syslog'
4. Open up fresh shell, su to root - keep both in view
5. Insert the pc card and watch the syslogs, hopefully you should see somrthing like;

Apr 6 13:30:09 laptopsteve kernel: cs: cb_alloc(bus 7): vendor 0x10b7, device 0x6001
Apr 6 13:30:09 laptopsteve kernel: PCI: Enabling device 07:00.0 (0000 -> 0002)
Apr 6 13:30:09 laptopsteve cardmgr[276]: socket 1: CardBus hotplug device
Apr 6 13:30:09 laptopsteve kernel: Loaded prism54 driver, version
Apr 6 13:30:09 laptopsteve kernel: eth1: prism54 driver detected card model: 3COM 3CRWE154G72

6. In the second shell, type 'ifconfig' and if you see eth0 is running type 'ifconfig eth0 down'
7. Type 'wlcardconfig' Fill in the prompts (I left all blank except ESSID and CHANNEL) with your networks parameters
8. Type 'pump -i eth1'
9. Type 'ping www.google.com' and hopefully this will respond - your on the net

Remember to change eth0/eth1 to suite your own settup

This worked for me, hope it works for you

As a final note, well done Knoppix for such a fantastic distro...
