Hi all,

After giving up on a Gentoo install (I'm too much a newbie). I decided to try a HD install of Overclockix. I'm using a spare box with Intel 810 chipset and 20 gig drive. I'm using a kvm switch to connect my USB optical mouse, ps2 kb, and lcd monitor with my main XP box. I have a D-link router to share my cable connection.

Overclockix live CD runs fine. I started using it because it has the nforce2 net drivers and ran well on my main box. I decided to sick with it for a HD install omn my 2nd machine because it seems to be more current than the regular Knoppix

On the second box I first tried to partition a 512 meg linux swap and the rest EXT3 and use the new Knoppix installer with "Knoppix style" install. My swap partition was not recocgnized so I tried the "Debian style" This used the existing swap partition but mounted the EXT3 partition as ext2 and I had no network. I reformatted ext2 and tried again. Still no network.

Finally I reformatted with one large extended partition and divided this into the swap and EXT2 partitions. Now the "Knoppix style" install recognized the swap partition and everything installed fine and network is up.

After some research I decided I want the the Debian style install because I read that with it I could use apt-get to install and update packages. I have not yet tried the new partition table (using the 20 gig extended) with the Debian style install.

So what's up with this? If I reinstall again with the new partition table (using the extended partition) will the Debian style install work with my network? Is the Debian style install better? Do I need it to use apt-get? Would I have better luck with the regular Knoppix live CD install?
