ok i have just finished playing with STD a lil bit trying to figure things out and now i am wondering how i can get online i have a d-link DWL-122 which is a USB addapter for my desktop would i prettymuch be S.O.L or would i have to be hardwired into the AP.it realy doesnt matter to much i just am going to run it onmy desk top to play with it and learn otherwise i will be using a laptop with a linksys card for wardriving.
also i have an old pentium133 Pile of S**t laptop that i thought i would try it on and i cant get a floppy to work i can format it and everytime i put the knoppix STD "mkfloppy" it does it so far then says something about bad sectors or something.and i cant seem to make the floppy on my desktop either...just kind of acts like its having a brain fart.how do i get around this.....anywhere i can go to download the floppy images from to just DL onto the floppy??

thanx alot hope im not asking to much