Hey there guys, i'm just wondering if you could help me install Knoppix version 3.3 onto my hard drive, I have made 2 new partitions and only one of them show up on Knoppix when I boot from CD, the other is just a LinuxSWAP partition. Anyways i've got to this part: Creating a Linux Swap partition (at least 256MB) the next thing I need to do is mount the linux partition as root, yet I don't know how to do that... if you could help I would be very greatfull.

Also I have a few instructions to follow but seems that I am a to i don't actually know how i could go about doing these.

Here are the instructions >_<

'Mounting' the Linux partition as root
Initialising the swap partition
Copying all the required files (automatically)
Setting up networking
Setting passwords
Setting up the bootloader (Note: take care with this stage - it could render your system incapable of booting into Windows. If you really need Windows, then it might be a good idea to set up GRUB Bootloader with a 'chainloader' entry, so that you can dual boot. Working this out is an exercise left to the reader - there are too many possible scenarios for me to cover in this short guide. Also see man grub and the files in /usr/share/doc/grub)

I also done what it said in the readme file which was:

cp -a /KNOPPIX/* /mnt/knoppix
yet when i get to the next step which is setting up fstab according to the disk it doesn't have it on >_< any ideas? also when i reboot my system it doesn't come up with the os choice menu.... I would also like to ask if anybody knows how to setup AOL on knoppix cos i'm thinking about moving to linux because i think windblows xp is getting pretty s*** now... and i'm getting bored of it and all the viruses that it gets. I hope you could all help me
-- Paul