I'm not really clear what tools you are looking for and I don't use MS server, I really can't say if the tools you seem to think you want are there or not. Klaus puts things that would be useful in Knoppix, and I'm not sure just how useful the tools you speak of would be in a Live DVD intended for the purposes that Knoppix is. Or, to put it another way, I don't think they are needed in the Knoppix Live DVD. If you're another person who insists on installing Knoppix and then be surprised when you find something missing, I suggest instead that you install a version of Linux that is intended for hard disk install such as Debian, then you can install all of the Linux tools your heart desires.

Or, If you really are looking for a live Linux DVD crammed full of security tools (and I'm just guessing this is a security tools issue) then I suggest that you look a Kali Linux (formerly BackTrack Linux), which is a fantastic collection of security tools on a live disc.

And if you really believe in using any tool that has both Microsoft and Security in the name, your soul is likely already lost.

Rather than generalize, if you ask a specific question you may get a better answer.