Quote Originally Posted by lindleyrl
As a new Linux users, I would suggest adding these technology into Knoppix. I understand that Linux Gurus out there say learn to do it yourself - - etc... But to make Knoppix truly Linux friendly, I would suggest including these into the package. Flash, Java, Real, and Quicktime integration needed. Knoppix already rocks - but let me switch completely on my machines. Thanks.
Klaus can't include it, but you can install it for yourself also to cdrom and it can then be stored with configuration ... running such a setup since days ... Here is a saml skript that allows installing of flash on demand. I hope it wil be integrated into official distribution soon, already talked to Klaus, but it'll take a while, he has lots of stuff to do ...

# Install flash plugin - from website - is kept if configuration is saved!
# GPL -
# Author: Fabian Franz <knx-flash@fabian-franz.de>

cd /tmp
wget http://macromedia.mplug.org/tarball/...6_linux.tar.gz
tar xzf install_flash_player_6_linux.tar.gz
cd install_flash_player_6_linux/
mkdir -p /home/knoppix/.netscape/plugins/
mkdir -p /home/knoppix/.mozilla/plugins/
cp flashplayer.xpt libflashplayer.so /home/knoppix/.netscape/plugins/
cp flashplayer.xpt libflashplayer.so /home/knoppix/.mozilla/plugins/
cd ..
rm -rf install_flash_player_6_linux/
rm -f install_flash_player_6_linux.tar.gz

# scan for new plugins

Hope that helps!

