Hi. I am having considerable problems getting a Remastered knoppix to find the knoppix file system -- I am modifying the kernel to get speech output and using squashfs also, so I compiled a kernel both 2.4.26 and 2.6.7 (not 2.6.6!) and I copied the modules for scsi required on the minirt24 and 26 in the modules/scsi directories.

I applied the patches, although I could not use the 2.95 gcc part because things would not compile.

Now the problem is that that the mount will not mount the cd so the knoppix file system is not found. The scsi is probed correctly, but when I try mount /dev/scd0 /KNOPPIX out of that little shell they give you, it says invalid argument. Now ide-scsi is active, but even using the ide cdrom drive gives some ide-scsi errors and can still never mount the cd.

I tried recompiling ash-knoppix, but that didn't help and it was much larger.

Any assistance would be appreciated.