
another problem: cannot mount a cdrom.
I will get the message: not a valid block-device.
What's wrong here?

I've seen the thread #17348 and I checked my system.
Here is what I found:
uname tells me: 2.6.11 (from Knoppix 3.8.1)
lilo.conf looks as described
but I found a line like:
append="ramdisk_size=100000 .... hda=scsi .... hdh=scsi"
in it, but I do not have scsi nor do I use ist. Removing the entry
does not help.

dmesg tells me: CD/DVD-drive is on hdc.

Checking /dev/hdc: I changed the group to cdrom (was root).
I also did this with /dev/cdrom and /dev/dvd.

I created a new icon on the KDE-desktop: get the same message.

So the situation is: mounting a CD via commandline or via KDE
results in the message: not a valid block-device.

What can I do?
