Quote Originally Posted by slp44
Ok well first off I am using and Emachines running on windows XP and i was either think about buring the cd using the standard windows burner (w/e that is) where i would just drag and drop the file into the CD-R Icon and click write files to disk. Or i was thisinkg about putting the files onto my iPod but i have heard that this is harder to run off of a seperate hd. But anyways will all 695MB fit onto one CD-R cd? Also I downloaded this off of a mirror so i will try to figure how to check if the files are currupted or not in the FAQ because i have heard that mirrors can be bad. Thanks again and i will try to keep you updated on whats going on if i need anymore help.
The "standard" Windows burner will not burn an ISO properly. Many manufacturers include other burning software with your basic package, I don't know about Emachines. There is a free program that is made just to burn ISO files in XP (Sorry, I forget the name, search the forums or use Google, it should not be hard to find). Or there are many good burning packages including Nero and NTI that offer free 30 day evaluation packages. This is plenty of time to download them and burn a few Knoppix ISO files. Once you have Knoppix, you can use burners in Knoppix to burn updated ISO files later. I expect there are good free burning packages out there too if you just look a bit, but that shouldn't be needed. But you don't drag and drop the ISO and you certainly don't drop it on the Windows CD drive ICON. That will make a copy of the ISO on a CD, but not a bootable disk.

Forget your ideas about the Ipod, that's just crazy talk.

Yes, the ISO will fit fine on a widely available 700 meg CD. No so good on the older 650 meg CD's. Not so good on the tiny business card size CD's. (But there are Linux distros that will fit on them.) I would strongly suggest that you use a 700 meg CDRW at first, will save you some midia. Once you get a good burn then start using CDRs (if you don't have any 700 meg CDRW and plenty of 700 meg CDRs, feel free to ignore this.

Google search for md5summer. Download it. Use it. There are other md5 tools, but this is the best one I've found for windows, even though the user interface is slightly cryptic.