I am looking for recommendations of a small-sized Linux live-CD distro that has Binc IMAP pre-installed on it and that is hard-drive installable.

The reason it needs to be a SMALL disk -- say, a business-card-sized CD -- is that I have dialuip, and downloading a full-sized-CD iso image would take... weeks!

Ideally I want something I can set up as a local-to-this-LAN IMAP server, in which multiple mailboxes are accessible from any other machine on the LAN, but all outgoing mails would be sent through my ISP's SMTP server, and that whatever username and mailbox addy that goes with that mailbox appears in the From: line of the message. (That is, I'm not forced to make all outgoing mails have the SAME From: name in them.)

Right now, I have what's called a multi-drop account at my ISP. That is, I have my own registered domaon-name, and all mail sent to that donmain-name is dumped into one POP3-server account, it is then sorted out at my end by a filter into various local mailbox names, based on what's in the To: line of each message. All outgoing mail goes through SMTP at the ISP, and it doesn't seem to matter to them what's in the From: line so long as my domain-name appears in it...

As an alternative, I have already the Knoppix V3.7-2004-12-08-EN live-CD burned to disc, and could install that to the hard drive of some machine here and then install Binc IMAP on there. However, my experience with Linux is limitted to having launched the live-CD a few times and played around with some of the programs on it I've also played with DamnSmallLinux, even installed it onto a machine once, and also have the Xorp Live-CD and a couple of Ubuntu live-CDs.

If someone could point me to a ready-made mini-CD iso with Binc IMAP on it, or give me pointers and reassurances on installing Binc IMAP onto a Knoppix HD install, I would be eternally grateful.